Console Removal
Q: Console Removal
Hey all, my 68’s carpet is trashed and I am going to replace it. Can anyone offer a step by step removal of the console for me?? I can’t find anything in my manuals other than “Remove the console.” How do you take the “T” Handle off? How does the plate that covers the gear indicator “P R N D L” come off? Where are the bolts that fasten it to the hump? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!!
A: I just went through the same process. Here are the steps I followed:
Remove the black plastic button by pulling up. It just snaps in.
Inside the T-handle there is a set screw on the right side that holds it to the vertical shaft. Loosen the screw and remove the T-handle.
The plate that holds the selector indicator snaps onto the console. Use a thin blade screwdriver to pop it off.
The console is secured by small screws on each side of the front of the console and by two larger screws that secure it to the floor. One of these larger screws is inside of the console bin on the bottom and the other is located under the rear cover of the console. Remove the sheet metal screws of the cover and remove it and you will see the larger screw.
A: You’ll need to remove the shift plate (the thing that has PRNDL) so the console can slide over. Depending on which one you have, the shift plate is held in place by either 4 chrome screws or hidden clips. The screws will be obvious (4 through the top). If you don’t see any screws, then it is held in place by clips that are cast into the plate and snap into the shifter base. To remove just gently pry up the shift plate until the clips release.
The console attaches to the floor with two small screws (one on each side) on the sides at the front , with a bolt in the glove box, and a bolt under the rear trim (the corner piece behind the glove box.
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