Converting from Powerglide to TH350
Q: Converting from Powerglide to TH350
I want to convert from Powerglide to TH350.
1. For street, non race applications, is the 3:32 to 1 rear end a good choice? My car really suffers from lack of low end power.
2. Is it true that I just need to change from a type 2 to type 3 carrier. I don’t need to change the axle assembly?
3. Since I’m changing to the TH350 and a type 3 carrier, can use my existing drive shaft?
4. Where can I get a 3 speed console shifter? Do I really need to change this as it just another detent position.?
A: 1. SInce you are changing to a TH350 you’ll be gaining an extra gear. Both the PG and TH350 have a 1:1 final ratio but the TH350 has the benifit of a lower first gear. The 3:32 gear is a good comprimise between performance and econimy. You will notice a big difference.
2. No. The existing rear-end will work great if you keep the gear set you have.
3: The TH350 is a DIRECT swap for a PG. the only thing that you need to change to make it totally correct is the detent in the shifter. But, it isn’t necessary. Some have just used a file to add a extra detent for the extra gear.
4: No (see above). But, if yo decide you need one, ask the F-List first. I have found them to be very helpful and honest.
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