1967 Original Advertisements – Index

Find a growing collection of original Pontiac Firebird Ads recreated for your viewing. If you have contributions, let me know so I can reproduce them here.

“If our Firebird 400 is too much car for you, try our new Firebird HO, Firebird Sprint, Firebird 326, and Firebird. In that order.”

Synopsis: A Regimental Red Firebird 400 Convertible with a blonde standing next to in a field of red flowers.
(View Original Ad)

“Pontiac announces not one, two, three or four, but five magnificent new Firebirds for every kind of driving.”

Synopsis: Five Firebirds in the left column with descriptions in the right column.
(View Original Ad)

“After this, you’ll never go back to driving whatever you’re driving.”

Synopsis: A Mentreux Blue Firebird 400 Convertible traveling down a mountain with a man driving.
(View Original Ad)

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