I installed M& H Breakerless ignition "single wire electronic module similar to Pertronix " removed points in the distributor replaced with this module. bird will not run since it has been installed. will not cough or back fire , no ignition fire. With points it cranked up fine ! I am beginning to feel like I am going backward , and almost ready to reinstall the points. I have tested the coil with a multimeter & even took a plug wire & plug to check make sure of spark with the plug electrode which was good on the coil check. It is the factory coil that came with the car, which was still making good spark for the points. I installed them on factory stock 350 v8 2bbl engine. Has anyone used the breakerless se brand module ? Anyone have any advice ? can a auto parts store test the module to check it out to see if it is live or dead? any advice will be appreciated .