I wish we could root cause this hot start issue once and for all. My '69 Bird still has it's original starter and solenoid and NEVER had a hot start problem before my doing a full restoration. After the restoration, I started having the hot start problem. When it first happened (after it cooled down) I crawled under to look at the starter. The positive battery cable was snug, but not really tight. That must be it, right? Nope. Tightened it up and still had the problem. Also noticed that the battery cable was really old. That must be it, right? Nope. Bought a new battery cable and still had the problem. Next I noticed that the starter wire tube shield was not bolted to the correct hole on the back of the block (see my earlier post above). It was bolted to a hole that is right next to the exhaust manifold. So I fixed that. While under the car I also carefully routed the battery cable to make sure it was properly routed and nowhere near the exhaust manifold. Since then, no issues. But I still worry a bit when I stop for gas.