Unfortunately my machinist only really recommended an RV cam which I don't know too much about.
This engine might have come from a 68 grand prix? This is from Ron's page
Head casting Number 215 Year 1968 Engine 400 Rated Horsepower 350hp (Grand Prix) Valve Size (Intake / Exhaust) 2.11 / 1.77 Chamber Volume (or Compression Ratio if Volume Unknown) 72-75 cc Stud Mounts Screw
Transmission is TH400 Automatic. I was going to get a 2500 torque converter if I got the 041 cam and an 1800 torque converter if I got a 068 cam.
Figuring out how much duration these heads can take advantage of is what I've been having a hard time figuring out. I do not want to overcam the engine but I don't mind making some improvements to make a bigger cam work. I can't find flow charts on these heads but Ron's page has flow charts for heads that seem very similar, maybe I could just use those for a reference?