Yep. I miss the Old crew. Nashbird, Yellowbird, JohnnyMac, Bjorne, 400plus, Sleddog, Colorado bird(?), ... and a bunch of others my failing memory can no longer recall so quickly. Believe it or not, I even miss Banshee , though my self esteem is somewhat elevated without his continued abuse . I’ve even had the opportunity to break bread and take a ride with some of them...Roesstti(?) included. All truly good people.
It was a lot of fun. You’d join the sight, go through an initial hazing, and then you were “inâ€ long as you weren’t a jack hole... except for Amervo. BWAHAHAH... And what a depth of knowledge and experience shared. I went from learning now to set my timing to a complete drive train rebuild. the good ‘ol days.
Last edited by Bronze Bird; 03/27/2110:06 AM.
I'm a hobbyist. Not a professional. Don't be hatin'!