Hi all- So I went out to warm it up for the first time in about 8 weeks. At first I flooded it, like an idiot. Then after waiting, I cleared it (pedal down for a crank) and it started, but ran VERY rough and is just filling the world with blue smoke. I shut it down because it didn't seem to want to settle down; continued a very rough idle. Anybody experience this sort of thing? Do I have big trouble? It was just sitting after running great 2 months ago! I did add a gas stabilizer back then, and the gas is about that old as well, and its been cold, but 40 and sunny today.
'68 400HO Coupe, 4 spd, 259 interior, Windward Blue. My other car's a Johnson 15 outboard on a '61 Starcraft rowboat... Just sayin'.