Happy Holidays All! I pulled the engine last year for a general overhaul (long story). While it was out, I cleaned up the engine bay. I put it all back in last week and it runs superbly. Couldn't be happier....BUT. Here's my issue: When the engine's running, shouldn't I see 14.5-ish volts at the battery terminals? I'm only getting 12.7ish, which I get with the motor not running as well.
I did my best to check that the wiring is all plugged in i think... I replaced the alternator. Just 12v, No 14v. I replaced the Voltage Regulator with a solid state version from AMES. Just 12, not 14v. I'm beside myself...I dont get it! All thoughts are welcome!
'68 400HO Coupe, 4 spd, 259 interior, Windward Blue. My other car's a Johnson 15 outboard on a '61 Starcraft rowboat... Just sayin'.