My wife had a doctor appointment in Merrick. I am right off the Cross Island at Jamaica Ave. Some rubberhead took a truck onto the Southbound Cross Island, smashed it at the LIRR overpass to Belmont, caused a huge fuel spill, and they shut it down completely. I had to get South and East right past where the clusterfuck was. Everyone from Northern Blvd down was bailing onto the side streets. Every street was bumper to bumper trying to get around Belmont. I wiggled South on some little used side streets to get past the LIRR, and made it to the Southern State. Which was bumper to bumper crawling all the way to the Meadowbrook. We left two hours early because of the closure, yet got there with minutes to spare. You wonder why I am not thrilled to drive a 1968 car in Wrong Island traffic? Sheesh.