I have a 1969 Firebird convertible getting painted right now. New interior gets put in when that's done. Then its time to look at the engine. When I bought the car last year, it was a driver with a spare motor that had been pulled because it overheated at stop lights. After reading many posts, I'm leaning toward it having the wrong water pump or the spacer hadn't been "massaged" to fit better. The water pump has been changed. Either way, I have it on a stand and the car has another 350 in it that is a dog. In running the numbers, the one on the stand appears to be a 1969 350 HO with "48" heads. Different carb, distributer and water pump has been changed. I'm hopping it has not been touched internally. Plan is to pull it apart next fall and see what I have and what it needs. Reason for this post is from what I have read, there are not too many of these around and this might be a chance to answer some questions and dispel some myths so if anyone has a question, or a comment on what to look for when pulling it down, feal free to post or send me a message. Of all the Pontiac forums, this one seems to have some members that are really smart and know there stuff. Not sure where I'm going with the distributer. One in it is not OEM, it's HEI and I have heard of clearance issues. Hell, I don't even know if it works. The other thing is the carb. Have read that I need one that is factory correct and I will be happy, but those are hard to find and lots of $$$ so we shall see.