Anybody have a good one? I'm looking into have some jacket patches made and I need a logo for the embroiderer to digitize. A graphic design would be best because pics tend to have shadows and reflections and such. Post them or send them to
Bob, got your email and yes I have what you need and what a digitizer can use to go from. I'll send it to you soon! Sorry, been so busy as of late I haven't even had time to check email...
I sent you a few files of a simplified version that should be just right for embroidery. Both in EPS and a PDF that they should be able to work with. They may have to thicken the out line stroke but it should be what they need to start with. These are just low res jpegs...
Harry, I did a quick 69 version for you I'll try to get it to you shortly... or pm me with your email address and I can send you a higher res file.
Thanks for the files B. I sent them to my embroiderer yesterday and set the deal in motion. She said they should be ready in about two weeks, give or take. I can't wait. I feel like a kid at christmas. Now all I have to do is butter the wife up to sew them on.
Dave, I can set you up with a good file is needed for something like that... This is the design I did for our clubs show last year... now I have to come up with something better for this year. That's what I should be working on right now!