Pulleys I have are all original, also the pump looks to be a long one. The outer groove on pulley lines up with nothing, hmm
Since you havent said what year your car/engine is I am assuming it is a 69 since you said "Looks to be a long one" Measuring it would confirm it for you. Also, has the pulley outer grooves ever lined up with anything??? If these pulleys are original I would think you would know. Are you certain all the pulleys are original, meaning you have owned the car from day one? Take a look at this attached belt and pully application and see which one matches your configuration and then you should be able to see if all the pulley part numbers match what you have. If the pic is too small here is the link and it is at the very bottom... http://thefirstgensite.com/library/partscounter/illustrated/pullybelt/pullybelt1.html
We may be getting off track. Did you take off a water pump that lined up and replace it with one that does not? Was the pump on the car when you bought it? Were the pulleys all on the car when you bought it? Will help to diagnose with a little more info.
On a car with a two groove crank pulley and a two groove water pump pulley, with power steering and no A/C and no A.I.R., The rear groove will drive the water pump and the alternator and the front groove will drive the water pump and the power steering. I think, but don't know for sure, the A/C pulley goes between the balancer and the two groove crank pulley.
If a 69 and you do have the wrong length water pump and don't want to change it again, the proper pulley will solve your problem. I ran into that on my 69 goat projects.
69 with 350, p/s, and a/c. Engine was all together till rebuild, threw out original pump so had nothing to compare it to. Water pump pulley has two grooves, crank three grooves. Thinking need shorter pump
If a 69 and you do have the wrong length water pump and don't want to change it again, the proper pulley will solve your problem. I ran into that on my 69 goat projects.
So bringing this to the top, I would rather not change the water pump so does anyone know where I can find a dual groove pulley for the longer type pump that would mimic the shorter pump, if you know what I mean, thanks
I found this a while back info on the long and short water pumps and pulleys All of the timing chain covers from 1964 to 1979 will bolt up and interchange with any motor from those years. However, you must use the matching water pump, pulley and crank pulley to avoid alignment problems with the alternator and/or power steering pump. All of the water pumps from ‘64-‘68 will interchange. These pumps have eight bolts and measure 3-5/8†long (from base to water pump pulley flange). The casting number for ‘64-‘65 is 9772716 and for ‘66-‘68 it is 4782482. The matching pulleys are 2†in height. From ‘64-‘67 Pontiac used a small diameter (5.25â€) six bolt two-piece harmonic damper and from 68-79 a large diameter (6.75â€), one piece four bolt damper was used. In ’69 Pontiac changed to an 11-bolt water pump but the early ’69 was different from late ’69-on. Many early ’69 Firebirds and GTO's used a pump that measured 4†long (casting# 9796351) and the pulley was 2-1/4†in height. From late ’69 to ’79 only one pump style was used, it measured 4-1/2†long and there are at least two different casting numbers used: 482138 and 488296. The matching pulley should measure 2-5/8†in height. Always use the correct diameter and style crank pulley to match the water pump pulley and also use the same series timing chain cover and balancer to properly line up your timing marks. The same timing chain cover was used for both ‘64 & ‘65 and had just a simple pointer. These were cast with number 9773371. The timing cover used on ’66 and ’67 employed a small timing scale marked -4, 0, and +6 and is otherwise identified as casting # 9783130. The ’68, ’69 and ’70 timing covers look very similar with timing marks of 0-6-12 degrees BTDC and accommodated the large diameter damper. The ’68 timing cover casting number is 9790347 and uses the 8-bolt water pump. The ’69-‘70 timing cover casting number is 9796346 and uses the improved 11-bolt pump. For ’71 and later the timing cover timing tab is marked from 4 degrees after to 12 degrees BTDC and is graduated all the way to 16 degrees BTDC. As compression ratios were lowered to 8:1 and lower there became a need for increased initial advance. Casting number for this cover is 482883. If you need to order a water pump the Federal Mogul part numbers are: ‘64-’68 is FP1388N, early ’69 is FP1409N and late ’69-on is FP1423.