If I recall, the steering wheel needs to be removed. The lock cylinder has a tab on the side that needs to be pushed in to allow removal. Using a slide hammer or similar may work, but it also may damage the column. good luck..
Yep, you need a steering wheel puller, which you can get at an autozone, from their tool loaner program, I believe for free. You also typically need the key for this process, but since you dont, you will need to drill out the tumblers from where you put the key at. Here is a link that has a lot of good info in it for how to do this. http://www.nastyz28.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14176&highlight=ignition+switch+removal+ASAP I also attached a pic to where once you have the tumblers drilled out so you can rotate the Ignition Cylinder switch to the different positions, you can see where you need to put the screwdriver to remove the whole switch assembly. I hope that this picture is helpful in finding that ignition lock cylinder locking tab slot in the steering column head. The slot usually has a thin die cast skin over it and people search and search trying to find it. I also attached a pic of the ignition lock cylinders, the top one looks about like what the FB has and that lock tab pictured in the top lock is what you are trying to push down on with the screw driver to remove the whole assembly out of the column.
Thanks for the pics!! So, maybe dent puller crewed into lock will pull it out & new one will push in? If not... trip to harbor freight for some cheap tools to pull the wheel lol
You are taking a chance in using a dent puller of messing something up, like the steering wheel column housing, but if that does work, then the new lock cylinder should just push in and lock in place.
i went to harbor freight yesterday. Wheel pulling kit is 14 bucks However, it doesnt have the spring compression tool for pulling the clip?? Do I need that tool on the '69 'bird?
Post a link to the tool on their website. Not sure if it is the right thing or not because it sounds like something for the front end since you are referencing a spring compression tool, which is something not needed to pull the steering wheel. I will post a pic or link to what you need. Do you all not have an AutoZone in the town you live in?
Yeah you kind of need that tool to compress that plate so you can remove/install the snap ring. It can be done without depending on how strong your fingers are. I have done it but it's going to speed up the job immensely if you use one.
Yeah you kind of need that tool to compress that plate so you can remove/install the snap ring. It can be done without depending on how strong your fingers are. I have done it but it's going to speed up the job immensely if you use one.
oh, I know what you are talking about now. Makes sense now. I have never used one, and I didnt even know there was a spring compression tool for that...lol I have pulled mine apart , even a completely rebuilt one several times and never used one to compress that spring to remove or install the plate. Would imagine that it is beneficial to have.
If you have a second set of fingers you should be able to get the lock plate off easily enough. Otherwise you can buy a tool thru NAPA or Amazon or most other auto related tool suppliers.
-=>Lee<=- Due to budget constraints the "light at the end of the tunnel" has been turned off!
I'm in the traverse city area... There is an autozone about 35 mins away from me. If I could find just that tool for compressing reasonable, I would just go buy it!
I just had an idea!! I lost my keys... but if I remember right the door and the ignition were the same 'square' key! can I pull door panel off and get a keycode from door lock cylinder?
I just had an idea!! I lost my keys... but if I remember right the door and the ignition were the same 'square' key! can I pull door panel off and get a keycode from door lock cylinder?
LOL, I dont know about that and maybe not, but if you want to go that far, maybe you can just call a locksmith and they can come out and make a key that will fit it????? Have no idea if that is possible with these old cars, but one call to a lock smith wont hurt.
ok, I lost almost 3 months.... argh!! Back at this thing. I got the wheel off, broke thru the casting part and still can NOT get this ignition switch out!!!! I bought a new one to put in..... but the old one will not come out. Again, i lost the keys to the old one, need help please.
Make sure that you break through the casting in the right spot, it is thin enough to break through in two places about 1/4 " away from each other. If you break through at the one that is closest to the centerline of the column you will not be able to press in the release tab.The spot you need to go through is in the depression just inboard of the threaded boss for the turn signal switch.It takes a very thin narrow screwdriver to to it,you may also need to pry the lock cylinder gently at the same time you depress the tab.If you pry to hard you can break the chrome wing off the end of the lock.
I see what you are talking about with the two slots. So I want the one to the right closest to the ignition switch, right? I tried it but my screwdriver was to wide to really get int there. the chrome cap is now off as I have been trying to drill it out. No luck yet as it is very hard to drill into.... When I look thru the slots I could not see a tab to push in so I figured I had to turn the ignition to run position, hence the attempt to drill it out. Snow is soon to fly and I need to get this car moved asap....... thanks
You don't need a key.I think that you are looking at the right area.I have a screwdriver that I ground down just for this job in my tool box.The outside of the lock housing does not rotate so you will be able to depress the tab as soon as you are able to get to it.