I’m looking for some rear door panels for my 68 Firebird 400, a while ago I blindly bought what I should need, 68 panels that wrap all the way up the around the top, like the fronts. Should’ve looked closer before I did that, seems my car was made with 67 style rear panels? (with metal at top) Why might this be and does it look like the 67 panel will fit? Thank you - LB
Hopefully someone has some suggestions for you. If the '67 panels won't fit, could a good upholstery shop modify the '68 Custom interior parts you already purchased to work and still look good? I searched various sources and found no other record of that on another '68. There's a thread on here dealing with "Firebird Mysteries". There are a lot of curious build differences in the 1st Gens, many that have yet to be explained.
The Body by Fisher tag on the firewall will have a code showing the build week of your '68. Might be interesting to know.
The '68 production began in late August or early September '67, meeting a September 21 on sale date. So, there had already been a month or more of production before yours was built.
You no longer have that original gold interior sitting around somewhere?
Unfortunately all that's left of the interior is one kick panel and the original column, you can see gold under the layers of red paint someone sprayed. I wish I had more to work from, only original parts to the car inside it now are the gauges and console, rear view mirror I think too, seats came from junkyard. Car was a shell with a box full of random parts when purchased, there was a rectangle and round mirror that came with it, I think the round door mirror is what came on it, I put the rectangle one on. I do have the original Wiring in a box too.
Another sorta interesting thing is it was shipped to Zone 25 (Portland, OR) Dealer 991, looking on Wallace Racing there's a couple entries, them being for "PMD".. I have no clue if it was just a Zone car and later shipped to dealer or something unique.
Last edited by VerdoroFirechicken; 01/13/2510:51 PM.
Maybe I am not understanding. Don't the '68 rear panels just cover the top painted part? And the '67 panels leave that bare? I am pretty sure the '67 panels were used by someone because they were available and worked. I would think just get some re-pop '68's and carry on. Or am I totally backwards on this? The pic is my '68 and my '68 panels covered the painted top. I think it's just a minor model year change. I am fitting a roll bar so ignore the mess.