i was on ebay and i seen the neatest thing ever it was a 68 firebird right hand drive this car was in australia ebay item 4622818810 that would be the so fun to drive i've driven a 1955 rolles before and that was a right hand drive but to get the tire smoken from the passenger seat would be pretty cool
james santangelo
68 verdorogreen number match 400 w/air cruise pwr trunk blk delx tilt pwr disc brk pwr steer w/all the chrome goodies
There was a beige numbers-matching RHD Ram Air automatic at a Chicago Area show this past summer. It was a real attention-getter. Unfortunately, the owner had the hood down so I could not get a look at the steering and brakes and how it all fit with the Pontiac engine offset.
One of the Australian List members knew all about the car and it's history.
If anyone would like to get a HIGHLY optioned Firebird, Down Under is the place to go to get one. The prices are not bad, but to get them shipped over there in the day was such an ordeal... pretty much everyone who did so made sure it was oredered with just about EVERY option they could check off. So the majority of the ones down there are highly optioned.
Geoff Swaverly has told me time and time again that this is the place to go for the ultimate bird hunt!
Would be kool to go there on Holiday... and come home with a New, Rare, Bird!