since we all seem to comunicate on here, I thought we should see who we are typing to. as much as I hate to do this here is one of me. Oh and the facial hair is now gone.. OK I did it now, your turn... And no the girl in the backround is not in her underware, she was in the swimming pool.
ok ,this makes it easier next week...LOL,....I`ll see if I can find one of me tomorrow...(at work, where my pics are).. Good idea by the way....Nice Harley, but we DO know that wasnt taken today!
here is a picture of me i have posted on my blog right now: face hair comes and goes. this was after i cut a bunch off. you can almost see the bird thru the window frame.
Here's me on the break out another thousand (boat) I ditched this spring. There are 2 happy day's in a boater's life. The day they buy their boat, and the day they sell it. Why go through all those headaches when I can go on my buddy's boat? I twist the nuts and bolts on the twin 3120 cats, and it cost me a flat rate of $50 a trip, all inclusive. I couldn't pull my boat out of its slip for $50, even when gas was a buck a gallon.
With a little fish I caught. (Don't you know it--the big ones always get away!)
The tip of the Baltimore Canyon, 72 miles offshore. By the way, the lake setting is rare if nonexistant. Anytime I go offshore, it's "calm" 5' to 8' seas. With those type of seas, trust me, there is no picture taking on the boat. Came up from Cape Hattaras one time, and spent half the trip in 20' to 22' chop, with about 100 gallons of water per wave washing on the deck from the beam sea we were taking. We decided to scrap the fishing part of the trip, and if a fish hit, it would spool the reel and break off. There is a point where it's over
Anyway, me teaching a girl how to catch
another little fish. The big ones always get away. At least that's the way it goes for us.
Here is a picture of us at The California Experience at Disneyland in Anaheim. We weren't supposed to be out on this. It was all roped off but we slithered out there unnoticed and had our picture by some other people. Then it was their turn, they got caught. However, we did get their picture taken first.
Here is an older picture from Shirley Muldowney's last season of racing. Unfortunately our computer's security software locked us out of our computer and we lost the original. All we have is this printed copy that we scanned back into our computer. It isn't a really good photo but we still treasure it. She was happy to take a picture with us.
Classic birds all the way! Like Rock and Roll, they're here to stay!
The pic was taken in Wolverine, on my dad's late Uncle Wally's golf course. My dad is from Chassell, lots of relatives in Houghton, Hancock, and Atlantic Mine...
I used to deliver pizzas to Shirley Muldowney, here in MI. Years ago...
Vikki 1969 Goldenrod Yellow / black 400 convertible numbers matching
We've always really liked her. We've followed her throughout her career. She was so nice when we met her. The people behind us didn't bring a camera, and we heard them say, I knew we should have brought a camera.
Classic birds all the way! Like Rock and Roll, they're here to stay!
Hey Mr. WIZZARD!, I mean Geoff....It's been a while since I held one that small....Can you wave your majic wand over my son and daughter-in-laws head and tell them to get busy again!...Here is my grand son in our pool, Heck he was that small yesterday it seems and now hes a little over 3! AS YOU CAN SEE, SUMMER TIME HERE IS NOT EASY FOR ME!
Only find one ...I`m like Vikki, usually on the other end of the lens...but found one from my sisters 50 yrs Bday/dinner party in Stockholm in 05.... luckily my sister knows me ,she placed me with a lady I could actually talk to...this cutie is a Volvo engineer ,she is on the truck side of the compnay and is working on transmissions for 18 wheelers! smart cookie....
and the fire extinguisher next to her is just in case things would get to "hot" between us!
and a note re my "stance", it was AFTER dinner this pic was taken! lol
heres another I found , this was in Aug. 04 when up in Mass....visiting my friend in Foxboro, we took his boat ot...this is me down by Marthas Vineyard...