Well, finally, after all this time Kodak has put their calendars on sale again.
If you want to make your own go to www.kodakgallery.com and create your own for 50% off using the coupon code: FRESHSTART
Offer ends 20 Feb 07.
I "may" be making another FGF calendar but the scope, scale, effort, etc will be significantly less than my first go-round. If you're interested in some sort of calendar, let me know via this thread.
I'm in no way trying to compete with Geoff's calendar (Calendar #2). I just want to put out something for me and a few of my friends.
Sorry Smitty , but I think 'most';already bought the "official" calendar...I thibnk Kodak did this years as last ,they are trying to sell more of their stuff 'after the facts' ,kind of like a "after Christmas" sale....if they did this in december or better yet november...you`d have a better following....Last years calendar was great, dont take me wrong it just the timing...
Bjorn, all: I fully didn't expect many takers on this calendar. I just wanted to make folks aware of the new sale. "If" I put out a new calendar, I can do what I can to put some new pics in it.
Nash and 400 Plus are in. Bronzebird didn't make it. The pic isn't high enough resoluion and it's a funky shape for the Kodak templates to handle. Yes, I'm disappointed too since it's a great pic.
Including shipping, 5 Calendars cost $64.57 / 5 = $12.91 each + $3.19 shipping from me to you - $16.00 for each calendar
Nash is on the cover and has 4 pix on November.
400Plus has January and February. (Feb might be fuzzy but I went with it.)
PM me if you want to see a preview of the calendar. Time's a wasting for the price. I have to be wrapped-up by tomorrow afternoon.
Hi guys, well there's only 5 cheap ones, after that the price goes up significantly because the sale is over. (I'll fill the scant orders in the order they were received in this thread.)
Hammered and RosettiJ, if you guys had high-res versions of your signature pics, they would've looked great in the calendar!
Yeah Nash, not to worry. Those that submitted good pix get "priority buy" privileges. You got the cover, and 1 month with 4 small pics. :-)
Actually John Rosetti, get me a retake of your sig pic. I love the angle of the sun. Nice car color too. Just ask Bjorn, I HAMMERED him for good pics for Calendar #1 but he finally delivered around 8 very nice pics indeed.
BTW, I'm not THRILLED with my Cal #2, It's decent, but there isn't the variety and world-encompassing flavor of Cal #1. Hey, I'll stilll be happy to hang it in my cubicle when Cal #1 expires.
Yeah Nash, not to worry. Those that submitted good pix get "priority buy" privileges. You got the cover, and 1 month with 4 small pics. :-)
Actually John Rosetti, get me a retake of your sig pic. I love the angle of the sun. Nice car color too. Just ask Bjorn, I HAMMERED him for good pics for Calendar #1 but he finally delivered around 8 very nice pics indeed.
Yes , I sent all my old existing pics, Scottt kept asking for more ,so I spent a sunday driving around town looking for good "back drops" and took close to 100 pics...., out of those a few turned out! that how I got 2 pages in the calendar (I suppose)
Yes Bjorn, you got two months because you earned them with effort AND quality. I still love the skyscraper pic.
Bronzebird - I'll do what I can. You might just barely get a cheap calendar since you submitted a pic. No promises. (I 'spose I should've ordered a few extras but this thread was pretty quiet.)