Trying to reassemble the steering column and can not get the flex coupling splined clamp to slide on, any ideas ? I even have the shaft out of the column now, thanks
YEAH! You’re using one of those pos Chinese $25 couplings. Go ahead, tap it lightly, and it will snap in half. (You should have seen the look on the guy’s face when I placed the snapped in half coupling on the counter and said to him, “You gotta be chitting me!”
If you get the $100 one from Ames, it slips right on. (Notice their ‘blurb’ about what part you are buying.)
My factory one and the Ames’ one were gravity fit, meaning they simply dropped into position, as ALL spline shafts fit, just like I told the guy at the part’s store, when I told him about how the Ames part fit. The hokeyass $25 pos I bought local sat on the edges of the spline, but wouldn’t drop on. I gave it an ever-so-slight tap with a brass hammer and the pos snapped!
What else, if anything, is different/replaced? Can you do some pictures?
Yes from the factory, I will see if I can get some pics up, I was hoping it would slide right in but is caught on the edge, I remember it being a little tight coming apart also