My interior is finally back in, at one point everything was out and I do mean everything. I even changed all the window glass to factory tinted from a parts car. All the upolstery is still original so I do have some seam splits but thats ok for now. Factory options I added are the wood wheel, rally gauge cluster, am/fm, 8-track w/4speakers, dual sunvisor mirrors, rear defroster and fold down seat.
Man, that looks great! Let me know if you ever use the fold down. So far, mine has been up. What is a good use for it? Golf clubs? Is it for standing on while in a parade? Someone could topple right out at the tap of the gas.
Thanks for the positive comments everyone, it was a big accomplishment for me, its good when I can actually see some progress being made on my car. It will still be sometime next year that I can get it back to the street. Next up is finishing off the trunk area, then the rear suspension with new springs and all the related parts.
The shifter is out because its among the parts that I will eventually get rechromed, along with the bumpers and some other smaller items.
The 8-track is The Who Hooligans, also have Tommy, $1 for the pair off ebay, I hope they work once I get things powered up.
I don't know the actual use for the folddown, maybe just extra cargo area, would have been nice if Pontiac had designed it for auctal pass through to the trunk. I remember one old article where they said one drag slick was placed in trunk and the other was placed on the folddown, maybe that the reason.
Lookin good Tom I re-did my whole interior last year including the headliner last year too and I know what a pain/reward it is. Re-covering the seats is a snap and not to big of a deal so dont be afraid of them. Just be sure to heat the material up in the sun before. It makes life a lot easier.
Way to go Shifty. It is optioned out very well what with the shoulder straps and vanity mirrors. When I restored mine last in '88, I sought and found a fold down rear seat. Actually, other than for the conversation it inspires and the unique-ness, it really serves no practical purpose that I can tell!
You´re talking about a 68 Firebird, yes? I´ve seen the seat belt clips on your console. Was it an original installed item on your 68 or did you install them yourself? As far as I was told it´s a 67 option only. I always thought it´s more practical to have them in a 68 Bird too but then again I want to keep it as stock as possible...
Thomas, the console with the seat belt holders is actually a 67 console, I got it from the same parts car as the 8-track. I thought the holders looked good on the console so I added the woodgrain 68 pieces from a damaged console I had. Too bad my front seat belts are rusted inside the buckles or I would have extended the belts into the console holders. I'll have to buy better seat belts later on sometime.
Anyone notice the 67 Camaro sail panel lights I put in also. I saw them in the Rick's Camaro catalog and thought hey why not try it, since the inner roof structure is already designed for them. They actually look good and the correct wiring harness is also available.
I still have the 67 parts car sitting in my yard, if I remember this weekend I will take some pics and start a new post. Its a rough and rusty NY bird and I would like to hear everyones comments about it.
That looks great. I believe the buckles can be disassembled and cleaned. I figured out how to disassemble my seat tracks the other night and was able to get them cleaned up and painted.
Would you be able to give me the location of the belt holder clip holes? I have deluxe belts in my '67, but my console does not have the clips.
Also, what do you think of those dual visor mirrors? My car came with them, but I'm debating on whether I should replace them.
Hammered...Here's what I measured for the seat belt holders. First off there are 2 holes, one for the small phillips head srew and the second for the small tab on the backside of the holder. All meaurements will be to center of hole openings. If you measure your front console bracket mounting hole it will be 3/4" down from top of console. The top hole for the holder is also down 3/4". The distance between these 2 holes is 8". The lower hole for the holder is 1 5/8" down from top of console and distance between the 2 holder holes 1/2".
I'm sure the repro seat belt holders are available form the Firebird catalogs but in the Rick's Camaro catalog they are listed for $13.95 pair and it says they are triple chrome plated. I'll be buying some myself.
There's a guy on ebay that sells the mirrors for the sunvisors if you decide to use your sunvisors. He is the one who redid my sunvisors from the extra material I got with a new headliner, he does excellent work.
That's an absolutely great template! I hope you didn't do that just for me? I've also seen the clips in Rick's catalogue but there is nothing special about triple chrome plating. It has to be done that way on steel parts (copper for the nickle to stick to, nickle for corrosion protection, chome for appearance and durability).
I will look up the ebay guy. Fortunately, the '67 convertible sunvisors use the readily available vinyl that was used for the seat surfaces. There's not much point in rebuilding mine as they are really bad (car sat open in the rain for a couple years).
BTW, I have some Black Sabbath 8 tracks somewhere that you're welcome to have if I find them. Also, do you know how to "ring" your tapes? It's a redneck technique for reducing the warbling effect that accrues with age. I'm not sure if I could remember how to do it myself but can remember sitting for hours at the kitchen table periodically ringing my tape collection. Yes, those were the days!