Ive told people to "light em up" before and have them look at me funny... Once I tell them I wont do anything to them, they relax a little and have a good time with it.
But I probably would not try to get someone to drag race me. If they bite and then God-forbid, go crashing into someone in a crosswalk, that would by my butt and career. Dont know what kind of road you were on, but he probably just wanted to see what your car could do for a short distance. Of course, if he did that and then pulled you over when you bit, that would be a load of crap.
I dunno.. You just gotta read the guy and see what he is about. Probably was a wise choice to NOT take off, unless he verbally tells you to cause he wants to see what your car can do. And even then, I would only go a really short distance to just show him how you can pull away from his patrol car, and then I would quickly let off the gas..
But again, I can only speak for what I would have done, cant get into another guys head.
(In case you hadnt figured it out, Im a cop.. lol)