I got this original A/C unit from my neighbor and told her I would sell it for her since her husband passed away. According to her, it came out of his 69 Firebird years ago and was working when he pulled it (car was totaled in the rear end). He parted the car out and kept this intending to get another Firebird someday and wanting the A/C suitcase since they are supposedly hard to come by.
Anyway, the unit comes as seen with the bracket and pulley. The unit is not frozen up and turns freely. I contemplated keeping it for myself and possibly putting A/C in my car, but with my bird being a convertible and having no dash vents, its kind of pointless for me.
I have no idea what it would cost to ship (its heavy), but I figured she would be happy with $150 (plus shipping costs). I have no idea what it is worth and I might be overpriced, or way under priced. Let me know if I am way off base here on the price, but I figure someone doing an original restoration might want this piece.. I know I have only seen a few at shows on full blown restoration GTO's and Firebirds. The original sticker has a few marks on it, but I saw reproduction stickers for this unit for sale on a site somewhere recently, so I know you can get them.