Based on the link Jim posted, everything appears to match the original documentation including the bracket. Just checking the reproduction labels, according to NPD's website, 67 was the only year that they had Tempest on top (maybe early 68 too??) and then from 68-70, they labels were configured as this original one shows. I asked the lady next door about her husband's bird and she said it was either a 68 or 69 (she originally told me 69). I showed her pictures of the 2 different body styles and from her memory, she said it looked more like the 68 I showed her. Anyway, take it for what its worth..
As for whether NPD or the other websites are right, I would trust someone who has the original equipment in their car before a reproduction listing, but it seems to be how it is listed across most of them. Classic industries also has the labels and I am sure Ames and some of the other do too. Here is the link to NPD's selection: