I have been working with my timing and pinging during WOT acceleration. I had a distributor in that allowed 32 degrees advance based on my initial and mechanical advance. I would retard the initial to 6 btc but was still experiencing the pinging with 93 octane gas.
I replaced the distributor with a correct 1111449 and I added a bushing to the cent adv stop, because it had a slight wear, and to get it to about 10 distributor degrees using a protractor. I my have missed the mark a little. With the initial timing set at 9 degrees dtc at idle I am getting about 16 degrees mechanical for a total of about 24-25 BTC.
I am going to re verify those numbers tonight. But it was was all in by 2500 rpms. I still had some very slight pinging but not near as bad with the other distributor. So I was wondering if 25 degrees BTC was to low and I the manual specs for the 1111449 distributor states the max dist degree is 9-11 at 2300. Which seems real close to my numbers. 9-11 dis degrees is 18-22 at the crank. 18 + 9 initial is 27 degrees BTC.
I am going to lower the initial a couple more degrees to see if I can get a little more of the pinging out on straight 93 octane.
Does any one have any knowledge if what I am doing is correct?