I have been working on the and the consensus is the xe262 is just building to much pressure. Also some one took the piston cut .100 and the diameter of the piston to roughly calculate the cc depth and came up with a possible compression of 9.7. Also someone calculated the dynamic CR at 7.71 roughly.
I checked the compression in each cylinder on cold motor. Came up with 1 180 2 180 3 170 4 175 5 175 6 172 7 175 8 176
So it looks like there may be no way to get the timing right on 93 octane. Either I keep mixing or plan to swap the cam for something bigger. Lots of people like the summit 2801-2802. Seems to be a go to cam.
My current timing is set at 6 degree initial with 16 mechanical and still hearing slight ping on 93.