The engine of my 350cui 1968 FB leaks quite a lot and, since at least one exhaust manifold is cracked (RH) and as it turned out 2 bolts of the other exhaust manifold a broken off. Thus, it is now time to address these topics and the engine will come out.
Currently, I have got one used exhaust manifold to replace the cracked one. Since I live in Germany and parts are not as readily available as in the USA and a shop will do the work it is better to order parts in advance to keep turn around time at bay. Gaskets are no problem. Exhaust manifolds, however, are. Would you rather buy a complete set of: to be hassle free compared to used ones that might crack (I would have to obtain a used LH via eBay in case the currently installed on has also cracks)? Since the thread of the oil pan is apparently worn out something needs to be done here, too. Is there a repair kit (metal piece to be welded inside containing a new thread) available or is the Canton 15-389 oil pan the better choice despite having the plug on the side?