That is a very nice picture, beautiful country. You certainly can do that with your motor just make sure you talk with your builder and don't make the car so you can't use pump gas unless you don't mind blending in race or av gas. A good builder will set your compression ratio where it needs to be. I know it's hard when your a novice but the most important thing when going into a build is to have clearly defined goals. Unfortunately those goals will all come with the price of compromise. Power vs. drivability and fuel type use. Rear diff gear ratios pwr. vs fuel economy . and highway usability. and trans type if you have an original 2 speed auto they are great for regular driving and cruising but not so great for power from a dead stop or low speeds. and then there is the budget, always a compromise especially if your married. The only way to have clearly defined goals is to understand all the compromises and honestly assess how you want to enjoy the car.You will need to do a lot of research on this site in the FAQ and forums sections to get there.