just beautiful what kind of bike do you have? my daughter has a Honda crf 230 and I have a Husqvarna te 450 and a rev 4 skidoo renegade for the snow. In looking closer at the picture of that hole it looks like the pcv location in the valley pan but that should be towards the front, so backwards. maybe take a better picture. there is also a plug on the drivers side in the block. next to the distributor. there is a vacuum diagram on this site I think maybe in the FAQ section. Be careful just throwing parts at it without diagnosis it can get expensive. I am not sure how bad the holes in the floor are but if you could of seen some of the stuff I drove around in back in the day you would be shocked. If not to bad you could always just rivet or screw in some metal using roofing tar to seal up the seams until you get the time /money to do it right and have floors welded in. if unsure if ok post some pictures and will try to help. Recheck your fluid level of course while it's running, it will probably need more after the initial fill. take a look at this thread for some advise on resurrecting a long dormant motor. https://firstgenfirebird.org/forums...n-find-parked-since-1994.html#Post328586