I was on a FB page called FirstGen FB's. A discussion popped up about Ram Air and these kids were stating that the 67-69 birds with the 400 hood and scoops means it was a ram air car.
Well I tried and tried to learn them, I went over the history and what the FG FB was from 6 to Sprint to 326 and 350(68-69) and that all 400's had hoods with scoops, and how the ram air broke down.
Oh my god, you'd think I was attacking Santa Claus and Jesus. As in the current political arena, people seem to be making up their own realities and refusing actual history, I don't even think they know who DeLorean was besides "oh yeah Back to the Future man" or what a Banshee is. Many seem to think the Firebird is an Camaro option. I was told I didn't know what I was talking about even with my supporting documentation, documentation?? who needs that when you have an arrogant opinion?? Wondering if maybe they were scammers, body shops that hack cars and sell them as "X" when they are nothing for big $$$ working on putting out the lies to support their crimes?