Lol, yeah, we’re in serious trouble. I run a CNC machine shop and tool design group. The freshly minted mechanical engineers are very smart but you have to surgically remove their phone or they don’t get anything done. The young, entry level shop guys fall into two buckets, useless untrainable, really not bright people who think they know everything because they watched a YT video or bright but struggle with work ethic problems. Most exhibit social skill issues. Shop personality is old school. We take no crap. Strict rule of no phones on the floor. Strict attendance policy. We spend a lot of time helping those with desire to succeed do so. Proud to say we have several entry level guys that have stayed with us for 7-10 years and learned a trade they can now rely on. They have grown into responsible citizens, homes, families, nice living and are now a roll models for current entry level guys. Sadly, for every person that makes it, many do not. The churn is exhausting and I’ve never seen the incoming talent as bad as it is today. Parents, schools are failing these kids. While we can hire, we cannot replace the talent retiring fast enough. My peers in manufacturing all say the same thing. Manufacturing in this country is in serious trouble. I’m so glad to be at the end of my career.