last Saturday, I finished some work at my 68 Firebird, polished it and was pretty pleased. That was at about 05:30 pm...
Then I took my daughter and her friend (7 + 8) for a ride. It was a great smooth ride, until we came to an innercity traffic light. I stopped and as the light goes green, slowly accelerated. The was a huge noice and the car's back went up in the air like the Titanic in her last moments. That was at 07:30 p.m.
I got out immediately and saw the whole wheel laying in the street. All wheel bolts were still firmly attached. And then I saw, that the axle was broken right in front of the bearing.
Nothing happend to the kids and me, but the car had to be towed and the rear fender got some dents.
And now my question:
I've identified almost all of the parts I need for the repair. But I do not know, which axle I should get. As far as I know I have a 28 spline 8.2 with no c-clips on it. I found some axles in the web, but all of them are c-clip-types. Can anybody give me a hint, where I get a correct axle? Is it possible to use a c-clip axle just without the c-clip?
I live in Germany, so I don't want to get the wrong parts, send it back, get other ones, send it back... ;-)