I've tested the 4-spade plug that goes into the regulator. I get battery volts at the #4 brown when key is on, batt volts at #3 red when on or off, A little less than battery on the #2 blue when key is on, and 0 on the blk/white #1 terminal when key is on or off. Why would the blk/white wire always be dead? What's that reading supposed to be? Is there a fuse somewhere on the blk/white wire?
PS: Just jumped the alternator over the VR. Gave the Alt straight 13.8v from the batt with engine running. Then the alt produced 17 volts to the battery. (Disconnected the direct feed quickly.) So the alternator certainly makes power...gotta be either the VR (which is new) or maybe that blk/white "R" wire? This is making me nuts-
Last edited by ReverendRW; 12/29/2302:23 PM.
'68 400HO Coupe, 4 spd, 259 interior, Windward Blue. My other car's a Johnson 15 outboard on a '61 Starcraft rowboat... Just sayin'.