So I know my car (67 convertible) has some wiring issues and several things in the car do not work. They are all on the list of things that I intend to get to eventually.
But I was working on the wiring for my center console and this plug falls out from behind my dash. I pull out a little more of the wiring and find that a previous owner had their way with this harness and it is chopped to hell. There are only 2 wires going away from this harness that appear to be attached to something.
I followed the green wire and found it spliced to a yellow wire (carbon dating on the electical tape suggests that this "wiring" job was done around 1243 BC) and then the yellow wire continues up behind the dash towards the ignition area and out of view.
The ummm, lets call it grey or the color that may have been formally known as white, wire goes up the dash behind on the passenger side and from what I could feel at arms length, goes somewhere near the heater control (which is not hooked up). Due to arms that lengthwise are proportionate to my 5'9" frame, and are a little thick due to working out 5 days a week, I was unable to get my arm far enough back to find the end of the wire.
Now, I figured I would seek knowledge here before I rip my enitre dash apart to figure out what this goes to. Its probably part of one of those projects that I intend to get to, but dont want to start just yet.. I know that no one can tell me what the "mystery electician" actually spliced these wires for and hooked them up to, as taking the dash apart is the only way to discover that surprise, but I would like to know what this harness and plug was actually supposed to be for.
I am assuming that it is something to do with the heater or heater control, but I looked over the wiring diagram and could not find anything that looked even close in regards to the plug or the 5 original colored wires.
Ah, Good to know! Now I dont have to feel bad about ripping the thing out of my car and tossing it in the trash. Of course, I guess I should still find out where those 2 wires are going before I start ripping things out. But at least I know that I dont have to salvage this plug or start looking for a replacement of it.
It may go to the factory reverb or FM multiplexer. It's tucked up above the glove box liner. I had bought a factory AM/FM stereo. It had a plug like that for the FM multiplexer. But it is possible that is for some after market device.
It's not the reverb or multiplexer plug. I have two of those, they look more like an old keyboard cable plug.
It's been a while since I sold that AM/FM stereo off. My memory is a little fuzzy on what that plug looked like. I do remember it was a round plug/socket.
That looks like an old stereo connector... red, white, black, green, grey...5 leads (speakers and power setup). See if under the dash those wires tail off to the speaker under the dash, or off to kick panels or under carpeting to back speakers, etc.
btw: I wouldn't throw it in the trash till you get everything back to together. Just put it in a ? marked paper bag for later. For a joke, go to a car show sometime with it in your pocket and then pull it out and ask the guy..."hey, this fell off your car" the look on their face...heh..
Yeah, I will trace those wires up the dash one of these days.. For now, I just zip tied it and put it up out of sight. There is an old speaker still attached in the center of the dash, and it is possible that those wires are going up to it, but they went off in two directions and spread kinda far for that. I would think that whoever installed it would have at least ran them together to the speaker, and not up opposite sides of the center dash area...
Anyway, whenever I get around to figuring it out, Ill revisit this thread and post the answer to the mystery.. In the meantime, I like the "fell off your car" prank!! I might just have to do that!