I'm a newbie to the forum. Even though I use the site a lot, I haven't posted until now.
I found a 69 Ram Air III convertible car. How rare is this car? I can't seem to find production #'s. Just codes and stuff. Can you guys refer me to a site that has such info?
I may have answered my own question thanks to google. Looks like just over 11000 convertibles and 1500 Ram Air III (both coupe and convert). Should I be looking at anything particular on this car?
If it's the car I am thinking of on eBay, nowhere does it say that it is an original RAIII car. Without a PHS all claims are suspect, and if the engine is not original to the car then value is nowhere near what a numbers matching RAIII drivetrain would be.
RAIII is not a huge performance gain over a regular 400.
Vikki 1969 Goldenrod Yellow / black 400 convertible numbers matching
Would you be a newbie to the fgf? If so, the first step is knowing the difference between a car with a 400 hood and a ram air car.
Scoops on the hood doesn't mean it's a ram air car; instead, it's a 400 hood. Also, 99.9999999% of the cars that have scoops on the hood are not ram air cars.
If you are calling the car a ram air car because the hoods have scoops--open or closed--the chances are slim to none that it's a ram air car.
I should have done a little more research and followed intuition before posting question. Thanks for your help. The build sheet didn't show the RAIII on it. And I did catch the hood thing. Thanks anyways guys.