i recently created a memorial pae on facebook for terry... if you all would like to be there and just share stories or pictures please feel free.. his family is on here and i created it cause his sisters are really having a hard time dealing with his death... any how the email to find him is ..... bajpai_anuraagki@yahoo.com also you can find him under terry lee ritter any how just wonted you all to know and thanks for keeping his spirti going... i know very much so you all meant alot to him...
please feel free to add this to your page if you have faebook his sisters asked me to let you all know and to let you all be a part of this... they as well are on the page..
ooohh.. if you haven't spoke with him since then those cars may well qualify as abandonment.. I don't know the stipulations in Florida, but you surrender any further legal claim
I hope your hearts are healing and you begin to take comfort in Terry's gifts of love, that is the most important thing.