I just replaced both the right and left floor courtesy lamps. I used a #63 bulb (69 Bird). This seems really bright. Is this the right number replacement ?
P.S. I had no brake lights and had a short on the brake light A+ side of the switch,which kept blowing fuses. Found the passenger side floor courtesy lamp center contact shorted to the case of the bulb. This was before I replaced the lamps. 30 sec fix, but it took me 2 days to find it. Many thanks to this site and others. I found a wiring diagram which helped immensely
I found a listing for a Sylvania bulb #631.....I dont know the cross reference for that bulb to other manucfactureres but sounds like it might be the same thing as your #63 bulb.
Thanks that is the information I was looking for and more! I will print the list from the sylvania page and add it to the growing file of info on the 69 Bird