So when your dog gets giardia or some other problem and passes it on to the children that will be very funny also. Giardia and many other things can be passed on to you and your family. Some dogs take a while to be trained. Little dogs can be very difficult. Perhaps you should try to catch him in the act. Scold him and move him and his poop to an acceptable area. Until you catch him, keep putting his poop where you want him to go. Dogs generally live in the moment, and he has no idea why you are such an idiot. Perhaps you should seek help.
Just give the dog away to someone who will take the time and put in the effort to properly train the dog. In some states you could be charged with cruelty to animals
Johnny, you seem like such a good guy and you have helped me out just recently as matter of fact. Please tell me you are not this cruel. Seriously bud, you could be charged, arrested and even put in jail for such treatment of animals.
Seriously, this just isn't cool dude. Not too mention you don't want your kids learning this stuff. I'm hoping in some weird way you are just messing with us...
You know what's sad is they would put him under the jail for doing that. But do that to a child they don't do a thing... Going thru some messed up stuff right now with my Ex. Our daughter is really suffering because of the nasty things she is doing. But the courts or police don't want nothing to do with it.
lol, I hit a hot button here, and no, I am not joking, I am tired of him crapping and peeing in my house.
and thanks for the suggestions too, this isn't our first approach, it's our last, the kids are on notice I will get rid of him, although they are not actually aware of this "phase".
but I have seen an immediate improvement and hope this works, he plays well with the other dog and I spent good money on him too
Maybe if my potty training method is successful I will write a book, with pictures of course
The dog has no clue why you are torturing him with the crap. You have to catch him in the act and yell at him then. Dogs are too stupid to figure out something like that. The only thing you are teaching him is to eat his own crap.
Plus if it's a new dog, he's simply marking territory. He may get along with new dog, but he's probably marking what he wants to be his. Little dog=little bladder=lot's of pissing and crapping
My sister's little dog does #1 & 2 in the house, mostly on these floor pads she buys. She will go outside as well, there's a pet door for the back yard, lol! Her little dog is a PITA, but cute as well.
I agree that little dogs are hard to train. Especially if they are pure breeds. Seems the more pure the blood line the dumber the dog. You can only teach them so much before they get stuck in there ways of doing things. So all those tricks you taught him used the only available space in that dumb dogs head. Maybe he'll poop then bring it to you for insertion. LOL
Jeez, Louise.. As a long time dog owner, I suggest you either seek help with your dog training methodology or get rid of the dog. That is not the way to train a dog, period.
If you want to train your dog to stop wetting, defecating in your house, you need to (1) catch him in the act, and (2) make his living space smaller such as using a crate.
If you can catch the dog in the act, then you need to act quickly to spank, scold, and if needed, rub their nose in cant do that if you dont catch them in the act, and, you surely cant shove it down their nostrils or throat. They need to associate the negative consequences with the act theyre doing, or its a waste of time.
Crate training forces them to hold it since they wont want to go the bathroom where they live. However, you have to be reasonable and limit the time when theyre puppies to only an hour or two, then up to 4 hrs, then eventually 6-8 hrs. You cant expect a puppy to hold it for 10-14 hrs, thats not realistic. Can you hold your urine, crap for 14 hrs? But the crate s/b small enough that they can turn around in it, but, so so big that they can avoid a mess if they go in there.
Anyway, please... stop doing that stuff to your dog... seek professional help from the Humane society, dog trainers/breeders, friends, etc for training your dog properly...and dont teach your kids to do such things.
Seriously Johnny, just get rid of the dog. Sell it if you can or give it away to someone with more tolerance and patience. More than likely you're not ever going to stop it from ever happening again. Save yourself some greif and get a dog that is already house trained before it starts crapping in your expensive Italian shoes.
lol, thanks everyone. All good points and most are well wishes too I do want to assure everyone I have tried everything mentioned before coming to this, sorry I didn't offer you a more detailed log of events, please pardon my curt replies.
I am happy to report he only pitched one more loaf in my house since I last wrote. This is a tremendous improvement!
A dog will do it's business where ever his owner tells him to do it. If he is messing on your rug the dog must have missed receiving the "memo".
Dogs have one primary goal...please the master. The problem people have is properly communicating with them.
Dogs can EVENTUALLY be trained to do things with a voice command, but not right away. However, dogs and all animals understand the universal language ... tone. So to start with varying your tone when communicating with your dog. Light tone most of the time to greet and play with them. Only use a deeper stern tone to emphasize your command e.g. "stay".
Here are the steps I do to train mine or anyone else's dogs:
1) Get the dog's love and respect. Use a soft tone talking with animal and play with it in a manner it wants to play. i.e. PLAY his game!
2) Identify where the dog sleeps and make this space as small as reasonable. Depending on the size and temperament of the dog this could be a cardboard box or dog crate or cordoned off kitchen or back porch area.
3) Identify where you want the dog to do his business. e.g. on newspaper in the house or outside on the grass.
4) Identify what food treat you will use as a reward for good behavior. Must be something he/she will eat anytime. Does not need to be a large piece of food.
5) Place the dog in his sleep area at night.
6) Early in the morning before dog wakes up pick it up and take it directly to the "doggy business area". After placing him down communicate a phrase you will use for the next 10-20 years in order to communicate to the dog to do his business on the paper or grass now. The dog might want to play with you first. Play with it briefly, and then focus it back on the "business". We have used the phrase "go do jobbies" with our dogs but it could be anything you want. BUT ALWAYS say it so it is reinforced. Very helpful when your on a driving vacation with your dog! After he goes, GIVE HIM A TREAT and praise him.
7) As he get's progressively better widen his sleep and play area in the house.
Identify who in the house will be the "pack leader". Dog's will always obey pack leader the best so have him/her do the initial training. This is the person who loves and respects the dog the most and vis versa with the dog. If it turns out to be your younger daughter then she get's the job!
It should take a few days to have 80% trained!
Good luck!
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thanks, he licks his own A$$ so I don't feel too bad
I regret to inform you while posting the above praise, the dog crapped in the kitchen. So the wife scolded him him while I packed chocolate bar no 4 in his mouth