Getting parts ready for my winter projects. looking for input on steering box upgrade. Send box out and change ratio or purchace new one and from where? Who has done this and how did it go? I do have power steering now.
I went with Lee Power Steering to get my original box rebuilt back to OEM specs. Looks great and performs like new. If you want to keep it original, I highly recommend them.
I went with one from an 85 T/A, and of course the original is packed away. Very nice upgrade. Certainly is a large improvement. It no longer takes a full turn to enter a driveway.
All depends on what your after. I did my swap last year. After spending about a whole day on the internet I found the info I was searching for on replacement boxes and needed accessories on another hot rod site. I came up with a whole list of junkyard donors and off to the U-Pull I went. After about two hours looking and pulling parts I walked out with $50 worth of what I needed. I still had to order the metric fittings. That was another $25(Speedway has them cheaper).
Lee's boxes are the real deal but like most everything else, you pay for what you get. I'm very happy with the ratio, effort, and new car road feel that I have now.
After researching I have come up with the best quick ratio box GM made was a AC DELCO 36-0516561 made from 82 to 92 this box has no bump stops in it and a lock to lock of 2.5 Will need the metric fittings. Are the fittings the only thing that has to be changed, rag joint,power steering lines, pitman arm? Anybody know any part #s for this swap?
Use the 82-92 Trans AM WS6 Box. Newest is best, has best road feel, and fast ratio was only avail on WS6 cars, not plain jane Trans AM/Z28's. Get 1992 Trans AM WS6, fits all 70-81 F-Car, does not have the short stops, and you get the best there ever was in the power steering boxes that GM did for high performance. And the WS6 box is supposed to be constant ratio, not variable ratio. So double goodies from the WS6 box, 1982-1992. The 78-81 WS6 Box was constant ratio, and did have the 12.7:1 ratio (2.25 turns lock to lock, that is full left to full right boys and girls....) (Most are 3 turns lock to lock, 15.7:1 or so ratio) and the ratio from middle to sides remains constant, almost ALL cars do NOT have constant ratio, they have a variable ratio that does not turn much at the middle, but when you get past 1/2 turn left or right, it gets progressively faster for easier maneuvering like parallel parking, etc. Only WS6 Trans AM, Corvette and special cars got the constant ratio.
Nearly ALL GM Chassis can use the 1982-1992 PS Box, so if you are going to waste any money on one, get the best, don't waste money on the older 2 gen F car box.