There are so many adjustments up there your head is going to spin. Most every bolt is in a slotted hole and can slide. Beer profanity and anger management will be important!
Robert and Rhonda, Sorry to jump in here, but I would love to know the answer on this one as well. Is there one specific area to address/look at first?
We are having a battle with the body shop over this. While having trouble with nose we have discovered you can see the battery between the hood and fender. This is something that has changed since the Bird went to the body shop. They are coming up with all kinds of excuses why they can't do it. We're standing our grounds with them. Now we think they have to move the fender too. When we took it in the big gap betweeen the fender and the hood wasn't there. This happened after they adjusted the doors on the new hinges. This is part of their excuse as to why they can't get the nose on right. This is the 5th time he'll be pulling the nose off. He puts it to one side and there is 1/2" of fender showing on the other side. It's not like they haven't time, the Bird has been with them for over a year now. This time also when we went down there were gouge marks in our brand new bumper. Now they have to fix or replace the bumper.
Classic birds all the way! Like Rock and Roll, they're here to stay!