Has anyone made the switch? My wife made the suggestion b/c the stock lights are so weak (she wants me to spend money on the bird...WTF??) Anyway, I am in the market and want to know your thoughts before she changes her mind LOL.
1) Brighter 2) Will illuminate quicker (only milliseconds, but sometimes a millisecond make the difference). 3) Some have sequential mode - which attracts attention better.
I am building a set sim to the spaghetti product. I bought the 12v strips at the local Chinese electronics shop. I am taking pictures and when done this move will post them once I get them installed. Cost will net about half the price of the Spag ones.
The third strip will be mounted in between the other two and will be the running light, and the other two will be the brake signal. It all just fits in each segment.
Last edited by Dave's White Rock '68 Droptop; 03/14/1103:20 PM.
I love the look of the Spaghetti lights, but if you are just wanting to have brighter tail lights, why not try cleaning/painting the reflectors on your original lights? I'm assuming mine are not very aged due to such low mileage on my car and being indoors all the years, but mine are very bright.
I polished the lenses, put reflective aluminum tape on the insides of the housings and upgraded from the 1157's to 2357's, much better. The LED's are cool though, just remember to change to a no load flasher.