this officer was the brother of Tood Will, the guy we in HALF use for body and paint most of the time....wasted by an illegal drunk +++++++++++++++++++++ Officer Kevin S. Will's Funeral To Be Held Thursday POSTED: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 UPDATED: 3:40 pm CDT May 31, 2011
HOUSTON -- Funeral arrangements have been set for a Houston police officer who was fatally hit while investigating a wreck.
Houston police Officer Kevin S. Will, 38, was hit by a car on the North Loop East near the 5600 block of Yale Street about 3:45 a.m. Sunday. A visitation will be held at the Klein Forest Funeral Home, 16131 Champion Forest Drive, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday. Will's funeral was scheduled for 10 a.m. Thursday at Champion Forest Baptist Church, 15555 Stuebner-Airline Road. A private burial service will follow. Johoan Rodriguez, 26, was charged with intoxication manslaughter of a peace officer, evading arrest in a motor vehicle and possession of a controlled substance. Court records listed Rodriguez as an illegal immigrant from Honduras. He is being held without bond. Detectives said Rodriguez drove through a police barricade that blocked the freeway. Officers chased Rodriguez, but he crashed into Will before he could be stopped, police said. Investigators said Rodriguez had a .238 blood alcohol level, which is three times over the legal limit. Will left behind a wife who is seven months pregnant and two stepchildren, 7 and 10 years old. His son is due in August. Kevin Will had been with the Houston Police Department since September 2009. He joined the department after a career in banking. Will pushed another man out of the way when he saw the car careening toward him. "Officer Will sacrificed his own life to save the life of a citizen," said Gary Blankinship, president of the Houston Police Officers Union.
Oh...but the conservative Democrats say Arizona's immigration law fining businesses who employs illegal immigrants is unconstitutional.
This is why America is going to hell. I buy soap...packaging written in english and spanish...I buy a laptop, outer packaging written in english and spanish. This is America! No offense, but if you are here, learn english.
I am all for immigration laws and welfare reform. Why? Because most are sucking off the tit of us, the taxpayers. Welfare is NOT a lifestyle, NOT a way of life. We citizens allow this to happen...
When a fellow officer dies...I am upset. When a fellow officer dies because a person was illegally in the USA AND drunk?
We need more laws for chain gangs, hard labor, remove cable TV and other "nicities" from jail. Punishment is too easy in the USA. Start chopping off hands as they do in Turkey and see how theft goes down.
Just my .02
Si Vis Pacem Parabellum
1967 Starlight black PMD Engineering 400 Auto 1968 Alpine Blue 400 4 speed 1968 Verdoro Green 400 HO 4 speed 2013 1LE 2SS/RS Inferno Orange Camaro.
Oh...but the conservative Democrats say Arizona's immigration law fining businesses who employs illegal immigrants is unconstitutional.
This is why America is going to hell. I buy soap...packaging written in english and spanish...I buy a laptop, outer packaging written in english and spanish. This is America! No offense, but if you are here, learn english.
I am all for immigration laws and welfare reform. Why? Because most are sucking off the tit of us, the taxpayers. Welfare is NOT a lifestyle, NOT a way of life. We citizens allow this to happen...
When a fellow officer dies...I am upset. When a fellow officer dies because a person was illegally in the USA AND drunk?
We need more laws for chain gangs, hard labor, remove cable TV and other "nicities" from jail. Punishment is too easy in the USA. Start chopping off hands as they do in Turkey and see how theft goes down.
I have 3 police officers in my family, I'd never want their job. This country is being over run by illegals IMO. The one who rear ended us and destroyed our Bird in Dec 09 has been deported. GEICO will now pay dearly for their POS illegal customer and I will live the rest of my life with lower back pain from the 5 ruptured discs in my back.
Yet the liberals see nothing wrong with these ILLEGAL POS sucking this country dry. Simply amazes me how ANYONE can defend any person who is in this country illegally. They should all be rounded up and deported on a daily basis IMO!
todays paper shows he was deported 3 times before!Keeps coiming back....been arrested for driving w no insurance ,no license several times, in 2007 he even got a Texas drivers license...the law changed in 08 that you need to prove citizenship. As they questioned him after the accident he was so out of it he doesnt even remember he was in an accident! they also found a small pouch of Cocain on him, in addition to being 3 x the legal limit of alcohol....
I have 3 police officers in my family, I'd never want their job. This country is being over run by illegals IMO. The one who rear ended us and destroyed our Bird in Dec 09 has been deported. GEICO will now pay dearly for their POS illegal customer and I will live the rest of my life with lower back pain from the 5 ruptured discs in my back.
Yet the liberals see nothing wrong with these ILLEGAL POS sucking this country dry. Simply amazes me how ANYONE can defend any person who is in this country illegally. They should all be rounded up and deported on a daily basis IMO!
unfortunately that doesnt mean you see abv the one in this case was deported 3 times! they keep bouncing back...better be on the look out for yours!
also, one "immigration attorney" said in his interview in this article today "that the drunks make it bad for the rest of the 'immigrants', because most of them are good, law abiding people"....How the H$LL can they be 'law abiding' if they broke the law?? if here illegally they are breaking the law ,therefor they are NOT not law abiding people! WTF is wrong with people...even the English speaking ones dont understand English words!!??
My prayers go out to his family. What a travesty of justice...
Up here in Wisc we just approved a voters ID bill, and coming up soon is a bill on immigration reform. Our Wisc bill mimics the AZ bill, and already the liberals are all ticked off. Almost every day there is a protest in Madison for the liberals because of union labor issues, and every year we get an immigration protest where thousands of hispanics rant about equality. Of course, they have slogans written in spanish, and their bullhorn messages are delivered in spanish as well. The liberals are all for allowing illegals in the state, city, etc...the more the merrier, without thinking about the legality of it and the drain on our resources.
This is a national issue that will NOT get better so long as we have lax immigration and nationalization policies.
I say deport the SOB the first time. The second time, tatoo "illegal" across his forehead and send him back with a warning that if he returns he'll start losing appendages starting with the smallest one first!
My prayers go out to his family. What a travesty of justice...
Up here in Wisc we just approved a voters ID bill, and coming up soon is a bill on immigration reform. Our Wisc bill mimics the AZ bill, and already the liberals are all ticked off. Almost every day there is a protest in Madison for the liberals because of union labor issues, and every year we get an immigration protest where thousands of hispanics rant about equality. Of course, they have slogans written in spanish, and their bullhorn messages are delivered in spanish as well. The liberals are all for allowing illegals in the state, city, etc...the more the merrier, without thinking about the legality of it and the drain on our resources.
This is a national issue that will NOT get better so long as we have lax immigration and nationalization policies.
I say deport the SOB the first time. The second time, tatoo "illegal" across his forehead and send him back with a warning that if he returns he'll start losing appendages starting with the smallest one first!
Equality would be to treat them the same way we would be treated if illegally in THEIR country!
and if you want a job in Germany, Italy or France, guess what language you need to speak? not to talk about Mexico or Honduras...
'Spoil it for the rest' Rick Dovalina, a Houston attorney and past president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, said the public should try and keep perspective on the issue of illegal immigrants and crime, even though it may seem difficult at times. "I've always stood on the side of the immigrants and their plight to get here and what they go through, but it's getting harder and harder now because of these few idiots that go out there and drink and drive and commit crimes," he said. "They kind of spoil it for the rest. The majority of immigrants are good law-abiding people."
Yes , the majority of immigrants are....but illegals arent immigrants, they are illegals...immigrants have papers !
They are trying hard to make the distinctions between illegals and immigrants fuzzy.....or non existant
Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. We are losing LEO's at an alarming rate these days, whether by the actions of career criminals choosing 'suicide by cop' or by the selfish acts of those here illegally. All of you that put your life on the line for us every day are in our prayers.
As stated by WiscBird, the illegal problem is not just in the southern border states anymore, but it hasn't reached the point where we are going to get anything more than the rhetoric we've already heard from DC. Our local paper won't even print "illegal alien" anymore, instead they edit that to "undocumented immigrant". Talk about your oxymorons!
yes.."undocumented immigrant"...right, no documents , you arent an immigrant as that means you are abiding illegal immigrant...I guess if you only break ONE law you are law abiding? you need to break two or more to not be law abiding?
The U.S. needs more border agents and walls- period. Put a freeze on immigration for a year, and deport the ones that did not do it legally and see what direction it evolves the country in.
God bless the folks in the armed forces and law enforcement.
Our country needs more people like this man.
Cant wait for summer... 68HO4004spvert Sleddog Iowa
God Bless the men and women past and present that have served this country. Thank you. Support D.A.V. - it helps gives a life back to those who gave so much for us.....
yes.."undocumented immigrant"...right, no documents , you arent an immigrant as that means you are abiding illegal immigrant...I guess if you only break ONE law you are law abiding? you need to break two or more to not be law abiding?
Are they paying taxes? If not, they're breaking two laws every day. Three if you count both state and federal.
yes.."undocumented immigrant"...right, no documents , you arent an immigrant as that means you are abiding illegal immigrant...I guess if you only break ONE law you are law abiding? you need to break two or more to not be law abiding?
Are they paying taxes? If not, they're breaking two laws every day. Three if you count both state and federal.
yes, "some" pay taxes , at least soc sec taxes(the "law abiding" avoid detection....using someone elses soc sec no....and in Texas no state taxes...
todays paper shows he was deported 3 times before!Keeps coiming back....been arrested for driving w no insurance ,no license several times, in 2007 he even got a Texas drivers license...the law changed in 08 that you need to prove citizenship. As they questioned him after the accident he was so out of it he doesnt even remember he was in an accident! they also found a small pouch of Cocain on him, in addition to being 3 x the legal limit of alcohol....
he should be strung up!
X2 on the strung up! I hope at least he sees jail time. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
I was going to say a lot of times they seem to end up here again. We really do need to solve the immigration problem, however the first step in solving any problem is admitting there is a problem first!
The guy who I bought my bird from (who is a co-worker) was hit by an illegal. The illegal fell asleep crossed 3 lanes of traffic and struck my friends squad while on a traffic stop. He was off work for well over a year recovering.
todays paper also tells he is a gang member of the SM-13..or is it MS-13? anyway its an El Salvadorean gang..maybe ES? not too familiar with the gangs ,but supposedly one of the worst
today is the funeral...traffic alerted
Traffic watch: Drive around Houston officer’s funeral
Officer Kevin Will (HPD photo) Funeral services for Houston police Officer Kevin Will will begin at 10 a.m. today at the Champion Forest Baptist Church at 15555 Stuebner-Airline Road. Traffic in that area will be congested. Drivers would be wise to avoid Stuebner-Airline and Cypresswood and take alternate roads, including T.C. Jester or Champion Forest Drive and Louetta between 8 a.m. and noon today. Officer Will was struck by a suspected drunk driver who smashed through a police barricade on the 610 North Loop freeway on Sunday. Will had been investigating an accident.
We are losing LEO's at an alarming rate these days
Not helping with less officers out on the street either...when times get tough that's always where "they" want to start..cutting Police/fire/sheriff...keep the welfare and freebies in place though...can't touch that...give me a break.