Thanks to some of the previous posts,I have eliminated all of my trunk leaks but one. I am getting water collecting inside of the tail light assembly. I have: 1. Changed the gasket 2. gotten new bolts and tighten them as much as possible.
But water is collecting in the housing and then leaking out thru the bulb socket
i have the same trouble, that i am trying to fix. i am using a water hose on low preasure and pointing at side markers ( birds ) tail lights, letters , bumper bolts one at a time. i have new gaskets on the tail lights , and side markers and both are leaking.
i am working with calking strip " dum-dum " trying to stop the leaks i found. i am trying to use the gaskets also with the dum dum.
getting water in tail light housing you may try the water hose at low flow to find the entrance area.
I had leaks around the bumper bolts, also if you lift the rubber gasket areound the trunk opening. theres place where 3 pieces of metal goes together at the rear corners , abv tail ligyhts...on mine , and several others had it too, there was a small pinhole uNDER the rubber where it would leak in , an area where the three pices didnt quite close up...
Just an update: I had all the leaks that were described above. During recent month long deluges I have found a new one. If you reach into the trunk and feel with your hand along the outer trunk edge there are a set of overlapping sheet metal pieces that form the frame of the trunk. These sheet metal pieces reach from the infamaous "place where 3 pieces of metal goes together at the rear corners " all the way to the corner where the hinge is attached. These pieces act as a hidden conduit for water that leaks anywhere along that corner or edge ( i found some pin hole leaks) and the deposits the water mysteriously at the rear of the trunk. I had to remove the trunk gasket and liberally apply 3M gasket adhesive in those corners. Since doing this I have not had leaks even in hurricane Issac. These sheet metal pieces are not visible, bu if you feel with your hand there just inside the trunk edge on either side of the trunk