I hope that every eligible American on this board is out voting today!
I hear lots of people saying that their one vote isn't important....well...you are wrong. it is important. It is really your one say in how you'd like the country to be run. There could be over a million people with that same attitude, and if all of you were to vote, especially in an election as close as this one looks to be, it could decide who the next president is.
I'm not going to tell you who I think you should vote for, but if I hear you complain about the outcome and then find out you didn't vote, you are going to get my foot up your [censored].
I voted at 7 am..... and I agree ,when you hear people say the "one vote doesnt count", well it wont if you dont!
also, saying that how I vote wont matter unless I live in Ohio or Florida etc, as your state may have 'expected' results...well , thats not good , because if you (and others) stay home the unexpected might happen instead...you wont get a great result unless everybody votes...then you`ll get an accurate count on what people want....none of my candidates are running , but I voted anyway , you got to vote for whats better for you, even if you dont think its the best.It can always get worse.
Ohio is already reporting "problems" (didn't say what kind) with almost 200k votes...provisional ballots will need to be provided so if the race is closer than the difference we will have to wait an additional 10 days for those votes to be counted (Nov. 17th) before we find out. Anyone wanna bet a large lunch at a drive up window we don't know who the next President will be by tomorrow morning???
Ohio is already reporting "problems" (didn't say what kind) with almost 200k votes...provisional ballots will need to be provided so if the race is closer than the difference we will have to wait an additional 10 days for those votes to be counted (Nov. 17th) before we find out. Anyone wanna bet a large lunch at a drive up window we don't know who the next President will be by tomorrow morning???
Ohio is already reporting "problems" (didn't say what kind) with almost 200k votes...provisional ballots will need to be provided so if the race is closer than the difference we will have to wait an additional 10 days for those votes to be counted (Nov. 17th) before we find out. Anyone wanna bet a large lunch at a drive up window we don't know who the next President will be by tomorrow morning???
Tammy and I voted! VERY long line but wow it moved quickly. I would not have wanted to be an Obama voter standing in that line. LOL WOW, people were not holding back, it was an Obama slam fest and I was enjoying every single moment of it. I was actually bummed that the whole thing only took an hour. Honestly, it was actually fun standing there and talking to people etc. If I could do things over again, I would have without a doubt gone into politics, by far the most interesting thing there is IMO. Absolutely love it...
I voted after work. I got there around 4:45 and was third in line. Not a single person there mentioned Obama. The whole ordeal took about half an hour due to me accidentally filling in the spot for Roseanne Barr!
I am truely amazed it is as close as they say it is going to be. Very hard to judge around here because I live in a College town and it is like a little blue oasis in sea of red.
I live in a College town and it is like a little blue oasis in sea of red.
I figured it would be an oasis of Chicago Maroon in a sea of burnt orange
It is indeed that. It is actually a little surprising how liberal this town has gotten over the years. When I was a student at VT, there was a strong Reagan sense. Now days, it is pretty liberal. Like I said last night, I cannot believe it was close meaning Romney should have won by 10+ points.
Swedish news reported yesterday that G20 said that US was on a fiscal cliff and if it didnt get it corrected VERY SOON, we will go down ,and then pull all of the industrial countries down with us, for a world wide crisis....we are on track to be just like Spain , Greece, Italy and France right now, and stepping on the gas.......Panama sure is looking good right now
I think this article sums it up pretty good, especially this one line.
even a clumsy candidate might have beaten Obama if not for a simple factor that could not be overcome: the GOP’s growing extremism. The Republican strategy of making the election a referendum on the president’s handling of the economy was perfectly sound. The problem was that the Republican Party couldn’t pass the credibility test itself. For many voters disenchanted with Obama, it still was not safe to vote for his opponent.
Personally, I'm just glad this election cycle is over. [/quote]
I agree....I`m sooo glad its over.... just coming back from evaluation for my upcoming catarract surgey ...I asked if I could get permanent rose colored lenses...I might need them now! lol
interesting to note though.....as I have two Mexicans , one Philippino and two Blacks in my dept of 11 people (otherwise "whites", including one woman). Nobody is happy with the outcome, esp the Black guys ,they are very disappointed....guess they arent the 'norm'
My condolence's guy's. To make you feeling better, the whole Norwegian press is happy regarding Barrack Hussein 4 new years. Maybe he will be the first person to get the Nobel Peace Price twice.;-)
Swedes (in Sweden) are happy too....76% of Swedes IN the US are unhappy....acc to who they were voting for in a poll.
the biggest problem is still :"its the economy ,stupid"...and mounting debt will not be good when this scenario spoken about in a Swedish economy paper happens...its much worse than anybody thinks also google translated below:
.we have a financial problem , Obama solves it by printing money and borrowing from China, BUT China is soon faced with the problem we had...and then....we are doomed
Världens största kreditbubbla? 7 november 2012 kl 9:09 | Permalänk | Kommentarer(14)
President Obama har knappt hunnit bli omvald innan blickarna börjar riktas mot USA:s utmaningar. Hur problemen ser ut är inte direkt någon statshemlighet, men de är ganska stora om inget görs. Bara under Obamas segertal hann USA:s totala skuldbörda växa med sisådär 230 miljoner dollar. Allt enligt den klocka som finns på organisationen Comeback Americas sajt och som räknar in alla framtida åtaganden som den amerikanska staten har. Just nu är siffran uppe i drygt 71 000 miljarder dollar. Men om möjligt ännu viktigare för världsekonomin är hur det kommer att gå i Kina där det är dags för ledarskifte i den politiska toppen den här veckan. (Höll på att skriva val, finansmarknaden har ibland en tendens att blunda för att det så kallade loket i världsekonomin är en hårdför kommunistisk enpartistat). Kina, som sällan missar en chans att klaga på att USA lever över sina tillgångar, har sina egna ekonomiska problem att ta tag i. Även här handlar det om skulder som skenar. Bloggen Zerohedge noterar att Kina är det land som har världens mest hårdbelånade företagssektor, med skulder som motsvarar över 150 procent av BNP. Det är resultatet av en vildsint kreditfinansierad investeringsboom som har lett till enorm överkapacitet i flera branscher. Kina har länge haft en lånefest som skulle få många västländer att framstå som bankbokskramare. Efter finanskrisen 2009 öppnades alla kranar. Från början av detta år till i mitten av 2012 beviljades lån motsvarande 73 procent av BNP. Penningmängden i Kina har trefaldigats bara sedan 2007. Något som fått vissa bedömare att tala om Kina som alla tickande lånebombers moder. Det har föga förvånande pumpat upp flera bubblor, inte minst på fastigheter. För att minska risken för en enorm bankkrasch har Kinas ledare på olika sätt försökt dämpa och kontrollera utlåningen. Resultatet blev istället att Kina tog efter väst på ännu ett annat område, nämligen skuggbanker, något som både Internationella Valutafonden och tungviktare i Kina varnat för. Skuggbankerna, en oreglerad finansektor utanför banksystemet, har i Kina handlat mycket om att sälja sparprodukter till allt rikare kineser. Fenomenet har växt explosionsartat och lån från denna dåligt genomlysta sektor utgör enligt IMF nu 40 procent av Kinas BNP mot 130 procent för traditionella banker. Men sparprodukterna, som lovar höga räntor, har både kallats för pyramidspel och Kinas egen subprimebubbla. Både Barack Obama och Kinas tippade nya ledare Xi Jinping har med andra ord händerna fulla. För oss övriga är det bara att hålla tummarna. +++++++++++++++++++++ The world's largest credit bubble? November 7, 2012 at 9:09 | Permalink | Comments (14)
President Obama has barely had time to get re-elected before the eyes begin to target the U.S.'s challenges.
The problem is not exactly a state secret, but is quite large if nothing is done. Only during Obama's victory speech could total U.S. debt grow with so-so $ 230 million. All according to the clock on the organization Comeback Americas site and anticipate any future commitments that the U.S. government has.
Right now the figure was up to just over 71 000 billion dollars.
But even more important for the world economy is how it will go in China where it is time for leadership change in the political top this week.
(, financial markets sometimes has a tendency to turn a blind eye to what is known as the locomotive of the world economy, is a harsh communist party state).
China, who rarely misses a chance to complain that the U.S. lives beyond its means, has its own financial problems to rein in.
Again, it's about debts rocketing.
The blog Zero Hedge notes that China is the country with the world's most hard-leveraged corporate sector, with debt equal to over 150 percent of GDP.
It is the result of a ferocious credit-financed investment boom that has led to huge overcapacity in many industries.
China has long had a loan celebration that would get many Western countries appear as bankbook huggers.
After the financial crisis of 2009 it opened all taps.
From the beginning of this year to mid-2012, loans equivalent to 73 percent of GDP.
Money supply in China has tripled just since 2007.
Something that led some commentators to speak of China as all the ticking debt bombs mother.
It is hardly surprising pumped up several bubbles, especially in real estate. To reduce the risk of a huge bank failure, China's leaders in different ways tried to suppress and control lending.
The result was rather that China imitated the west on yet another area, namely the shadow banks, something that both the IMF and the heavyweights in China warned.
Shadow Banks, an unregulated fine sector outside the banking system, has been in China a lot about selling savings products to increasingly affluent Chinese. The phenomenon has grown explosively and loans from this sector are poorly elucidated according to the IMF now 40 percent of China's GDP to 130 percent for traditional banks.
But saving products that promise high interest rates, have both called for the pyramid and China's own subprime bubble.
Both Barack Obama and China's tipped new leader Xi Jinping In other words, has their hands full.
For the rest of us are just keeping our fingers crossed.
Stocks plunge after Obama's re-election win Investors fear failure to fix the fiscal cliff will lead to recession. European stocks slump after ECB President Draghi says even Germany is weakening. Apple has fallen 20% since September.Bank and energy stocks fall. Oil and gold slip. By Charley Blaine 2 hours ago Updated: 2:54 p.m. ET
A day after President Barack Obama won a second term, stocks are suffering their worst one-day losses since at least June.
The good news is, however, that the losses have been cut substantially. The Dow Jones Industrial Average ($INDU -2.16%), down as many as 369 points at 11:30 a.m., had seen the loss shrink by a fifth by 2:10 p.m. ET. Still, the blue-chip index was trading below 13,000 for the first time since Aug. 2, and the major U.S. averages were all down about 2%.
Bank stocks were the weakest sector in part because it's likely the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill will remain largely intact. In addition, Elizabeth Warren, a critic of many U.S. banking practices, won a seat to the U.S. Senate. JPMorgan Chase (JPM -5.13%), a critic of bank regulation, was down $2.21 to $40.67. Health insurance stocks were lower because the Health Reform Act -- aka Obamacare -- is likely to stay in place.
Meanwhile, oil prices fell back sharply in part because of worries about global demand. Europe became a worry after European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said he expected no change to the weak eurozone economy in the near future. Worse, he said, the weakness has begun to affect Germany. European stocks immediately sold off -- and sharply, too. The dollar rose against the euro and British pound.
At 2:54 p.m. ET, the Dow was off 290 points to 12,956, still an ugly loss and the worst decline since June 1. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index ($INX -2.15%) had slumped 31 points to 1,397. A close below 1,400 would be its first since Aug. 6. The Nasdaq Composite Index ($COMPX -2.34%) had dropped 71 points to 2,941, potentially its biggest loss since June 1.
Two thirds of the people say the nation is on the wrong track. Four years of nothing but failure and disasters earns Obama a new four-year contract? Unbelievable!
Apparently getting re-elected no longer is about accomplishments on the state of the economy, jobs, deficits and debt, or foreign policy. It has nothing to do with truthfulness, keeping promises, or protection of the liberties provided in the Constitution.
Getting re-elected is now about how much "free stuff" can be distributed.
If extremism is respecting the US Constitution, promotion of self responsibility and self motivation, building a strong nation, fiscal responsibility, limited federal government, and opposing socialism, I'm delighted to be called an extremist.
interesting to note though.....as I have two Mexicans , one Philippino and two Blacks in my dept of 11 people (otherwise "whites", including one woman). Nobody is happy with the outcome, esp the Black guys ,they are very disappointed....guess they arent the 'norm'
If the market could swing an election to the right it would have been down before the election, not riding the recent high.
The cliff has been there for awhile, the house and senate refused to address it, the house hoping for an executive win, the senate not accepting any house proposal. Hopefully those two can figure out the general population want them to work together. The market sees a stalemate, hopefully the three branches get it figured out.
Wanting a Custom fit in an off the rack world.
I don't have time for a job, I just need the money.
If the market could swing an election to the right it would have been down before the election, not riding the recent high.
The cliff has been there for awhile, the house and senate refused to address it, the house hoping for an executive win, the senate not accepting any house proposal. Hopefully those two can figure out the general population want them to work together. The market sees a stalemate, hopefully the three branches get it figured out.
I agree...cliff has been there for awhile....but as we drive towards the edge ,its getting closer by the day, and we are speeding up...something needs to be done and I dont care WHO does it or what color he is, its needs to be done...if Obama can/will , and I HOPE he can, I`ll give him praise...I just dont think, based on prev 4 yrs ,that he will nor can , or wants to. I could be wrong, been before. (married the wrong woman twice....who knows, possibly three times! lol)
I did the early voting thing last week. Didn't go my way so now I pay. I'm sure Obama's ears were burning while I was in line since everyone was giving him "down the road". I was real disappointed this morning.
actually Obamacare hasnt gone in effect yet....law has , but not the real policy work, as it was set for after the election...not sure exactly when it does start... our fiscal cliff is getting here faster though and at the edge what will happen ,as China may not be able to bail us out any more as they are haing their own fiscal cliff coming...what happens if they call our loans? we just ignore them? then what?
but lets just run the credit card a little more...lol
my US born Danish 74 yr old neighbor asked me this morning if I thought Denmarkl would take him back!
Personally, I think falling off the cliff would be the best thing to happen. Basically just like bankruptcy. But that will never happen, just like GM and the auto bailout. GM should have gone into full blown bankruptcy and not given a govt bailout money that will never be recovered. The same thing will now happen with this situation...
Personally, I think falling off the cliff would be the best thing to happen. Basically just like bankruptcy. But that will never happen, just like GM and the auto bailout. GM should have gone into full blown bankruptcy and not given a govt bailout money that will never be recovered. The same thing will now happen with this situation...
agreed...GM and the bailout was like giving $500 to an addict instead of taking him to a drug rehab!
so, we need to stay with the our regular health care system? the same system that has stangled many small citys and counties who pay for retired workers. the one that even before the down turn had the big three pouring money into their health care funds for their workers current and retired. i read something about every car made had over $2000 of health care cost in the price. the same system that 13 years ago i paid about $2800 for family coverage, this year it will just top over $9000 with dental. and we shop it out every year. because every year we get a perm. increase that makes us say what the f^ck, their cazy. but no it's just the way it is. so this is the system that we should keep, and except it as just the way it is. really! i guess i don't nonothing.
Obamas health care system if its like the Swedish 'free' health care(which Hillary care was based on) you dont (or at least didnt ,when I lived there) even know how much you pay for the health care as its 'just part ' of the taxes....which are higher.... beware of "free" stuff it always costs you more...one way or the other
this just in: arizona lawmakers are now going to use the passage of californias prop 30 to woo companys/small businesses to their state. comped hotels and other perks are just the start...i say good for them, and jerry "moonbeam" brown, you were a friggin' idiot during your first term and are a complete moron if you think you will get more revenue (that will make a difference anyway) from this tax increase.
And nationally, the list of businesses announcing layoffs is growing rapidly the past two days now that Obamacare and higher taxes and regulations is certain.