I got this original A/C unit from my neighbor and told her I would sell it for her since her husband passed away. According to her, it came out of his 69 Firebird years ago and was working when he pulled it (car was totaled in the rear end). He parted the car out and kept this intending to get another Firebird someday and wanting the A/C suitcase since they are supposedly hard to come by.
Anyway, the unit comes as seen with the bracket and pulley. The unit is not frozen up and turns freely. I contemplated keeping it for myself and possibly putting A/C in my car, but with my bird being a convertible and having no dash vents, its kind of pointless for me.
I have no idea what it would cost to ship (its heavy), but I figured she would be happy with $150 (plus shipping costs). I have no idea what it is worth and I might be overpriced, or way under priced. Let me know if I am way off base here on the price, but I figure someone doing an original restoration might want this piece.. I know I have only seen a few at shows on full blown restoration GTO's and Firebirds. The original sticker has a few marks on it, but I saw reproduction stickers for this unit for sale on a site somewhere recently, so I know you can get them.
I see that the tube coming out of the compressor with the hose attached is bent and pinched off. It should make a 'U' and point at the engine. This one makes a 270* turn and points at the firewall. The muffler assembly is kind of hard to find in good condition. If in good shape, the muffler assembly alone would have been worth the $150. As it is now, I don't know what the value might be. Maybe it can be bent back without cracking. I know with my luck it would crack or break off for sure. A new 'U' shaped section could probably be welded or brazed on, but the repair would be obvious.
Ah, I see what you are saying. I know nothing about the A/C system so I never saw that until you pointed it out. It may still be fixable.. Maybe with some heat? Either way, I will sell it as is and someone that knows what they are doing better than I do can tackle it.
I still think the $150 is probably fair, but I'm open to offers. Its definitely fixable, the trick is doing it so you cannot see that it was fixed. I would rather someone get it that can use it than throw it in the trash. I am not selling this for me and only trying to help out the widow next door who is having some financial hardships. She didn't know what to do with it and asked me since I have a Firebird.
The compressor model number appears to be the same as '68 but the label is slightly different. The '68 has Tempest on top, then Firebird and Pontiac on the bottom. I can take pictures of mine if you would like.
Can't tell about the main bracket and muffler, looks similar. Both are unpainted/coated natural metal color on my '68.
Based on the link Jim posted, everything appears to match the original documentation including the bracket. Just checking the reproduction labels, according to NPD's website, 67 was the only year that they had Tempest on top (maybe early 68 too??) and then from 68-70, they labels were configured as this original one shows. I asked the lady next door about her husband's bird and she said it was either a 68 or 69 (she originally told me 69). I showed her pictures of the 2 different body styles and from her memory, she said it looked more like the 68 I showed her. Anyway, take it for what its worth..
As for whether NPD or the other websites are right, I would trust someone who has the original equipment in their car before a reproduction listing, but it seems to be how it is listed across most of them. Classic industries also has the labels and I am sure Ames and some of the other do too. Here is the link to NPD's selection:
Rich, My '68's compressor label does not match any of the ones on NPD site. It may be trivial but it has model number and R12 lbs of their part C-DT0107 and the vehicles and vehicle order listed of their C-DT0106.
Rich, My '68's compressor label does not match any of the ones on NPD site. It may be trivial but it has model number and R12 lbs of their part C-DT0107 and the vehicles and vehicle order listed of their C-DT0106.
Again, I would never trust a reproduction of anything to be 100% accurate, so your stock equipment would be what to go by.
Hi, is this A/C unit still avalible. I know where to fix the tube on the muffler . My email is duncan.2560@yahoo.com. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks
I have not been on the site for a little while and just saw the last 2 replies... I just emailed Hitracker and will keep you on-deck Darth in case he ends up not wanting it.. Thanks for your interest and I will update here what happens.
The unit is still available. I dont come to this site as often as I used to, so if you are interested in the AC unit, then email me at calfdemon@hotmail.com and I will get back to you from there.
Dropping price to $100 plus shipping. I need to get this out of my garage and if I give it back to the neighbor, she is just going to scrap it. I would hate to see this go to waste. They are too hard to come by... Email me at Calfdemon@hotmail.com if interested.