I know it's been awhile, but I lost my password AGAIN!! YIKES I'm getting old. I have OLDHEIMERS LOL. Hope everyone is well, been a year since my bone marrow transplant and I'm doing pretty good, not 100% but I'm OK. Anyway, if you have a Facebook page could you please vote, click on the LIKE, then send the link to your friends so they can vote too. Thank You! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=...e=3&theater
"I know a-lot about cars, I can look at a cars headlights, and tell you exactly which way it's coming"
Long time no hear Mary Ann!!! Good to hear you are doing well. Sorry, I don't have a facebook account though..
Cant wait for summer... 68HO4004spvert Sleddog Iowa
God Bless the men and women past and present that have served this country. Thank you. Support D.A.V. - it helps gives a life back to those who gave so much for us.....
Thank you guys! I appreciate the support. This car has never been a Calendar so I'm pretty excited it was selected from hundreds of Pontiacs to be in the running for the March 2014 spot.
"I know a-lot about cars, I can look at a cars headlights, and tell you exactly which way it's coming"
Long time no hear Mary Ann!!! Good to hear you are doing well. Sorry, I don't have a facebook account though..
Thank You! Yeah I'm doing pretty good right now, NO cancer cells, but things pop up from time to time from my bone marrow transplant. But I somehow get through it.
"I know a-lot about cars, I can look at a cars headlights, and tell you exactly which way it's coming"
I ride with the Canadian Army Veterans motorcycle club and I mentioned your car to them ... They'll come thru with a few votes. I hope they're in time though.