my car set for a few months last year after i injured my hand, by the time i was able to get back to working on it the 44 year old brakes needed attention. i rebuilt the wheel cylinders on all four wheels, and new brake shoes up front to replace the asbestos shoes that was getting thin. i had to do a rebuild on the master cylinder also. i purchased a rebuilt master took the guts out of it and put them in my original master cylinder. i have bleed the brakes twice with the same results . i am standing on the brake pedal to get it to stop. i am wondering if the parts out of the parts house master could be the problem? getting frustrated needless to say.
not sure , you say two things...pedal goes to floor? or its just very hard and have to 'stand' on the pedal?...latter is the booster, the first would be m cyl
not sure , you say two things...pedal goes to floor? or its just very hard and have to 'stand' on the pedal?...latter is the booster, the first would be m cyl
i will correct my post Bjorn, i have to stand on the brakes when i am needing to stop. with the car not running after i bleed the brakes the pedal felt tight.but as soon as i went down the street for a test drive i had to stand on the pedal.
thanks Bjorn you put me on the right track. this evening i tested the brake booster during that time i found a hose to a check valve " to the heater switches" going through the fire wall disconnected. the major one i found was a 44 year old one inch hose to the transmission split open. thanks again Bjorn.