So...making room for a new project and need to clear my overhead storage. I've got several parts available for 69 firebird in need. If interested please message me or reply, first reasonable price/offer will be accepted, just add for shipping. I still own my car so trades are welcome (I'm looking for tubular upper and lower arms). Please let me know if you need any photos I'll get them out as soon as I can. Justin
(Used original items) Mirror great shape ( tight) w/ new gasket -25 Rear view mirror -10 Exterior Door handles l&r -15 Dark green interior (minus dash) (ask for photos most items faded and worn and need to be re dyed ) Auto Shift assembly minus knob (on the shifter just chipped) -25 Several front end body brackets (ask... Too many to list) Lower valance no rust -25 Chrome front clip braces -10
(Unused and from OER in dark green) Seat covers all three -40 Headliner -15 L & R door panels -25ea Seat belt trims Console (auto) New -200 Trans shifter cable -25 Mirror w/gasket -25
I'll post more items as I get to them. Kind of a swap meet hoarder
I'm looking for a mounting bracket which holds the water valve to the pass side inner wheel well on A/C cars, don't suppose you have one of those? Thanks.