Really like the PVC pipe paint booth. Great idea! What/how are you covering it? 4 mil plastic
You might want to go for a large filtered opening for AIR into booth and a smaller AIR outlet filtered. That way you get a suction effect and not breezy coming in.Will have pics of what I have shortly, thanx for the tips!
I spray the floor with water to keep it wet. Keeps dust from kicking up and the paint dust drops on the water and does not stick to floor. Yes, water is a must for the dust
I wonder if you could stiffen the PVC pipe by filling it with spray foam or some other material.. It feels pretty stout as is. The 2 wires hanging from the top really helped. It is a temp booth, so needs to be able to go up/down easy
I built a temporary booth when I painted my car out of 2x4's. I elected to go positive with air. My thoughts were if I suck air in dirt is going to come in from under the booth. Water on the floor is a must. I sprayed the floor down between coats. For air I put the furnace blower up high on one end and filtered the incoming air through a furnace filter. Going to wrap it tonight, Figure I would shoot water through gun to see air moves and adjust accordingly? Then low on the other end I put 6 more filters to catch the paint particles. They were thoroughly plugged by the time the painting was done. Also get a fresh air mask! The fumes from 2 part paints are very toxic and can cause permanent lung damage. Roger that, thanx!
make sure you have positive air flow in booth....and filter(s)...I designed an out door , wooden box, paint booth for my friend Rolf years ago.....worked great...and as a"temporary building" , no permit
Here are pics of projected ventilation. I have not bought filters I am going to use yet, the intake one is just for testing. The long box with the furnace fan seems to draw well, will know better after I get the booth sealed up.
Perhaps a large hole for inlet to booth. You can use those cheap 1" furnace filters. You don't want it to be too restrictive. Large hole so you don't get a noticeable breeze. Best to have garage door closed to control the temp. What temp will you be spray at? I found 70F ideal. Make sure compressor is drawing in air from a clean source and around 70F. I don't know what your temps are there but don't let the booth get cold before or after as you might get condensation on the ceiling. A good stable clean air environment will ensure the paint flashes over properly with no sags etc. I'm a self taught painter, learned the hard way! Painting your own car is VERY gratifying work.
Perhaps a large hole for inlet to booth. You can use those cheap 1" furnace filters. You don't want it to be too restrictive. Large hole so you don't get a noticeable breeze. I can adjust the opening of the fan, will play with that after I get the frame wrapped up. Best to have garage door closed to control the temp. Yep...also helps with the lighting, believe it or not What temp will you be spray at? I found 70F ideal. Make sure compressor is drawing in air from a clean source and around 70F. If everything goes well, hope to shoot this weekend. Forecast is 78/68 Sat - 71/61 Sun after front. I don't know what your temps are there but don't let the booth get cold before or after as you might get condensation on the ceiling. A good stable clean air environment will ensure the paint flashes over properly with no sags etc. I'm a self taught painter, learned the hard way! Painting your own car is VERY gratifying work Thanx for the advice, your right, this whole project has been verrry least up to this point ;-)
Last update till paint. Shot the hood last night, lesson learned, better to shoot paint in the day, still had a few bugs in booth that I didn't see, well after shooting the clear, they all died on the hood. Sanded this morning, re-shot looks great. Now before I paint, will "fog" the booth with thinner, let it set for awhile, then paint...just in case. Going to do final wet sand, mask off and paint first thing tomorrow....
Well, mother nature didn't care I wanted to paint wasn't so much the rain, but the north wind blowing would have blown the exhaust right on my shop...don't want the back side of shop red...
did use the time to do some final filling/sanding/cleaning so all in all, still a good day. Just need a little more masking off, final wipe down and paint.
Nice booth. Like the PVC pipe wish I had room for that. When I painted mine it was a lot smaller booth and I used rollers on the body. One bit of advise is if you have a bug landing on it don't panic. Just use a tweezer pull it off and continue clearing. The flow of clear will fill the impression on the paint and the final sand will take care of it. Otherwise the bug will juice and stain the clear. If the base is not vented properly it might turn into dust and sit onto the body. To make sure blow the body off with filtered air Also make sure the top coat of primer is sealed. ( I used a dp primer) Other wise the paint will peal off. If you haven't done it already. This is Major mistake in assuming the primer is going to work well. They require a sealer if it has sat on for a while. Last thing is make sure you buy painters clothing. Tight clothes is a must. Last. Thing is heat causes the air to move and increase dust contamination. Eves or mornings I found is the best.
My Vega was painted in the heat of the day and it looks great, really depends on the humidity, we paint during the day here because the humidity cranks to 90+ percent usually overnight when the sea winds blow in
2002 Nissan Sentra Spec-V 1974 Chevy Vega Wagon - 408SBC - 11s in 1/4 1968 Pontiac Firebird - 4.1L OHC 6Cyl - Red on Red - Bench Interior - Restoration in Progress
Nice booth. Thanx man! Like the PVC pipe wish I had room for that. When I painted mine it was a lot smaller booth and I used rollers on the body. One bit of advise is if you have a bug landing on it don't panic. Just use a tweezer pull it off and continue clearing. The flow of clear will fill the impression on the paint and the final sand will take care of it. Otherwise the bug will juice and stain the clear. 10-4, will have tweezers at the ready If the base is not vented properly it might turn into dust and sit onto the body. To make sure blow the body off with filtered air Also make sure the top coat of primer is sealed. Think I did it right. I used an epoxy primer 1st, then 2K primer over that. ( I used a dp primer) Other wise the paint will peal off. If you haven't done it already. This is Major mistake in assuming the primer is going to work well. They require a sealer if it has sat on for a while. Last thing is make sure you buy painters clothing. CheckTight clothes is a must. Last. Thing is heat causes the air to move and increase dust contamination. Eves or mornings I found is the best. trying to sneak off work, maybe this evening?
Well, it's RED. Last coat went on about 10:00 PM. First glance it's looks pretty good. 3 coats base, 2 clear. Shot the last coat, snapped a few pics then turned of the lights to keep bugs away, will get a better look, what a journey.
I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not sure. I feel like I am diagonally parked in a parallel universe. 1968 400 convertible (Scarlet) 1976 T/A - 455 LE (No Burt) 1976 T/A New baby, starting full restoration. 1968 350 - 4 speed 'vert - 400 clone (the Beast!) 1968 350 convertible - Wife's car now- 400 clone (Aleutian Blue) (Blue Angel) 2008 Durango - DD 2008 GXP - New one from NH is AWESOME! 2017 Durango Citadel - Modern is nice! HEMI is amazing! 1998 Silverado Z71 - Father-daughter project 1968 400 coupe - R/A clone (Blue Pearl) (sold) 1967 326 convertible - Sold 1980 T/A SE Bandit - Sold
Cant wait for summer... 68HO4004spvert Sleddog Iowa
God Bless the men and women past and present that have served this country. Thank you. Support D.A.V. - it helps gives a life back to those who gave so much for us.....
I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not sure. I feel like I am diagonally parked in a parallel universe. 1968 400 convertible (Scarlet) 1976 T/A - 455 LE (No Burt) 1976 T/A New baby, starting full restoration. 1968 350 - 4 speed 'vert - 400 clone (the Beast!) 1968 350 convertible - Wife's car now- 400 clone (Aleutian Blue) (Blue Angel) 2008 Durango - DD 2008 GXP - New one from NH is AWESOME! 2017 Durango Citadel - Modern is nice! HEMI is amazing! 1998 Silverado Z71 - Father-daughter project 1968 400 coupe - R/A clone (Blue Pearl) (sold) 1967 326 convertible - Sold 1980 T/A SE Bandit - Sold
LOL, I think he meant 'brand' of paint..... when mine got painted I used PPG "red" idea on which brand Kelly used, but it looks good....
Ok, got me there.. Don't encourage him Larry- none of us will be safe!!! I was wondering if this was Solar red or not, it looked a little too red for solar- almost like carnival red in the pics.... Not quite deep enough though.
Anyhow- it looks good!
Last edited by Sleddog; 03/27/1410:19 AM.
Cant wait for summer... 68HO4004spvert Sleddog Iowa
God Bless the men and women past and present that have served this country. Thank you. Support D.A.V. - it helps gives a life back to those who gave so much for us.....
My buddy from work came over, took us about 45 minutes to take the booth down, almost have my shop back. Back to the sanding and buffing....
and I see your 'supervisor' is checking out the SHE satisfied with it? thats all that counts really , right?
Oh, she is thrilled with it. She thinks it's "done"....she doesn't see the nibs or orange peel(aint bad, but bad to me), all she see's is bright shiney red...told her wait and see what it looks like in a week or so...
When are you going to cut and buff the paint? There is a relatively short window where it will work easily. Once fully hardened it gets much harder to get a good result.
When are you going to cut and buff the paint? There is a relatively short window where it will work easily. Once fully hardened it gets much harder to get a good result.
My buddy from work came over, took us about 45 minutes to take the booth down, almost have my shop back. Back to the sanding and buffing....
and I see your 'supervisor' is checking out the SHE satisfied with it? thats all that counts really , right?
Oh, she is thrilled with it. She thinks it's "done"....she doesn't see the nibs or orange peel(aint bad, but bad to me), all she see's is bright shiney red...told her wait and see what it looks like in a week or so...
LOL, "done"...well, hopefully she can tell the difference later..