Date code of casting has a HUGE part to play in this equation.
Second issue...this was a transitional carb after the 7028270 carb (oversupply) ran out. If an early carb, not worth much. If a late carb, not worth much..mid year...worth a little more. I would say in the 1200-1300 range.
Second issue is that unless you have a need for the carb for a low production, high quality resto, no amount of money is too much. Hell, if I needed an 8271 carb for my HO and baseplate date stamp was within 3-10 days...and I knew I could get a couple grand more for the correct carb...then, the cost/benefit analysis kicks in.
Just to have with no need or car? $500
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1967 Starlight black PMD Engineering 400 Auto 1968 Alpine Blue 400 4 speed 1968 Verdoro Green 400 HO 4 speed 2013 1LE 2SS/RS Inferno Orange Camaro.
If totally original--air horn, base plate, choke pull off, etc, I believe it s/b worth more than $1,500. The original pull offs for ram air engines were yellow. The pull offs were different colors for different applications. None of them were generic white as used on many restored carbs.
Having the original plastic fast idle cam in good condition is also worth extra. Most of these are generic metal on restored/rebuild carbs. Again, these fast idle plastic cams were different for different applications.
The number of totally original ram air carbs floating around is very small--most have been modified in one way or another or are restamp/Frankenstein units. I think a truly original one is worth much more. A 4-speed unit worth more than auto.
Sold in one day seems to say it all I suppose. A picture of the carb would be nice to see. As said, production dated carbs are worth the most since they are the only correct carbs for a given engine.