Awesome Steve! That looks great and it caught our eye. had to show it to the wife since her car use to be the same color, its just a shadow of that now and faded bad. other then being a 67 , thats her car beautiful man.
Thanks for the pix and something to work towards.
Bill v
69 Firebird Convertible (wifes car since 1979) Goldenrod Yellow, 350, plain Jane Car was stored in garage since 1990
I need help, if anyone see's I'm going down the wrong road--Straighten me out!
Cant wait for summer... 68HO4004spvert Sleddog Iowa
God Bless the men and women past and present that have served this country. Thank you. Support D.A.V. - it helps gives a life back to those who gave so much for us.....
there are a few guys up your direction....for instance Brett on here (In Federal Way), but knows several guys around Seattle area in General....I will point him to your post
Hi Steve, as Bjorn mentioned there are quite a few of us in Western WA. Many up North!
In fact, the Western Washington Firebird club is putting on their annual All Pontiac Show next month (Sunday - August 16, 2015 - 9:00 am to 3:00 pm - Bothell Country Village • 23806 Bothell-Everett Hwy • Bothell, WA 98021)